
Welcome to Book Nerd! You’ll see a lot of changes happening shortly. I’ve only just registered the dot.com and at the moment, there’s a lot of uploading, sorting, designing, cutting and pasting going on! It’s a mess! The end result however I hope will be something that looks good, functions good and most importantly acts as a strong resource for all your book needs. In the future we will also be looking for guest reviewers and will be getting more involved with publishers for competitions and that type of thing.

In the meantime, I thought I would put out there that we are always happy to review books on here on behalf of publishers. If you wanted to send any books to us to review, you can get in contact with me at melissa@booknerdreviews.com and we will review your book as soon as possible!

We have some great reviews already coming in the next few days so I hope you’ll bookmark us and be sure to come back!

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