Tuesday Teaser & More
Hello book readers! How are we? Well I hope! I am just a hop away from finishing Sisters Red… like literally 43 pages away from finishing, and I am LOVING this book! I will finish it tonight.. if not very shortly, but I just wanted to blog about a giveaway I found today!
Amber from Down the Rabbit Hole is celebrating having 1000 followers in 1 short year (Well done Amber!!). To help celebrate this great achievement she is holding an amazing international giveaway! Visit the giveaway here: http://amberinblunderland.blogspot.com/2011/04/1000-follower-giveaway.html
I found it hard to pick out what book I REALLY wanted from that list because I really want to read a few of those! Thanks Amber for holding this awesome competition!
Because of my new found love with Sisters Red I have decided I am going to participate in Tuesday Teaser which is hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading:
“The wolf roars in anger, baring glittering yellow teeth at me. I lift my hatchet-I’ll never reach them in time; I’ll have to throw it. The wolf’s jaws snap, and one girl cries out in terror as his teeth skim her leg. I release the hatchet with so much strength and hatred that my body pitches forward onto the oily pavement as the weapon hurtles through the air.” - Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce
Expect this review SOON! ;)
What do you think?