Cover Love # 1

Melissa from I Swim For Oceans has started a fantastic Friday Meme (even though I am chosing to do this on a Monday! lol) to show off some of the prettiest book covers around!

For week one of this, I wanted to show off the cover of a book I chose to read PURELY because of the amazingly beautiful cover. The book itself was really good too, which just supports my theory of judging a book by it’s cover! :P lol

Title: Die For Me
Author: Amy Plum
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publish Date: May 10, 2011
Genre: YA, Paranormal Romance
Why I Have Cover Lust: What is not to love about this beautiful cover? The pink gradient, the view of paris, the beautiful girl on the cover, and of course the ornate black swirls on the cover giving it an air of mystery. It’s just breathtaking!

What do you think?

  • Melissa says:

    Totally love this cover, too! It’s so pretty, and I’m such a sucker for a pretty dress. Fabulous choice this week, and thank you so much for participating :)

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