Hippity hop!

Q. It’s that pesky magic book fairy again! She has another wish: What imaginary book world would you like to make a reality?

I am going to go with the urban fantasy world that is The Mortal Instruments. And I choose this basically because it’s the least scary of all the books I have read based in imaginary worlds! haha Everything else I have read is dystopian, and who wants to live in an oppresive world? This world would definitely have scary moments, but my plan would be to make friends with people in high places and stay protected!


“As a book blogger, how do you introduce yourself in your profile?”

I have a personal “about me” profile and then a page for publishers to look at which goes more into my reading style. A bit about me though… I am 27 and I live in Victoria, Australia. I work as a manager in a call center that sells health insurance, so my normal 9-5 isn’t always THAT exciting. I have some pretty amazing friends though that I work with and that makes life a bit better!

Apart from reading, I love photography, horror movies (boy, do I love horror movies!), rugby league (Go Melbourne Storm!), trashy reality TV and travelling. I am going to the USA for 3 weeks next May and I am so very much looking forward to it. :)

My reading love is YA fiction, and within YA I love dystopian, contemporary, urban fantasy, paranormal romance and more! I will give most things a try. :)


What do you think?

  • Hi there, from a fellow Follow my book blog Friday’er!!

  • New follower via Book Blogger Hop hoping you will follow back at http://beckvalleybooks.blogspot.com/ thks in advance x

  • Angelica says:

    Already a follower…but I love your Book Blogger Hop answer ;) I love horror movies but can’t watch it alone and at night LOL I love watching it with Hubby at night LOL I know lame.

    Here’s my “Friday Feature” post.

  • I definitely agree about not wanting to live in a distopian! Old follower!

    Here’s my FF, if you want to check it out.

  • Jolene says:

    Just dropping by for the blog hop. I also enjoy photography and I am working on a love for dystopian novels. Just finished The Time Machine & The Island of Dr. Moreau. Can’t say I really liked The Island of Dr. Moreau, but it’s a classic, so I guess it was worth reading just for that. Have a great rest of the weekend!



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