I’m on Tumblr!

So in the footsteps of the greats…. Lauren De Stefano and Aimee Carter, I have caved and got myself a (new) Tumblr!

Truth be told, I am already a Tumblr user with my personal account, which I gave up on a while ago since it was becoming a bit angsty and there was hardly any pictures of pretty books on there!

SO presenting to you, my amazing readers - the Book Nerd Reviews Tumblr account… look at it as a companion to the website if you like! It’ll be brighter, have lots more pretty pictures and quotes from books I am reading at the time. Hopefully soon I will be incorporating those quotes into some pretty pictures at some point too!


Don’t be a stranger! I know some of you out there are already loving the tumblr, so love me too! I promise to love you back. :)


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