6 Month Blogiversary + 500 Followers giveaway WINNERS!


As promised I am here with winners of the giveaway!



As I mentioned at the start of the giveaway, there would be THREE winners. Each would be able to choose ONE book each of their liking of the following books:

Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday
Carrier Of The Mark by Leigh Fallon
The Devouring by Simon Holt
Eve by Anna Carey
Daughter Of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor
The Name Of The Star by Maureen Johnson

So my big congratulations go to the following!

Rea from The Netherlands - You chose Daughter Of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor

Proserpine from Canada - You chose Carrier Of The Mark by Leigh Fallon

Brianna Vejvoda of the United States - You chose The Devouring by Simon Holt

Thank you SO much everyone for entering. Between now and December first I won’t have any giveaways, but my next giveaway will be launched on December 1st so please be sure to come visit me and enter the giveaway then!

What do you think?

  • Congratulations guys :-)

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