Getting back on track

I’m so sorry for the lack of interesting updates of late readers! Life has been completely hectic of late which gives me little time to read which of course in turn means not as many reviews.

BUT I completely aim to rectify this. So starting from today I am keeping my head down - so many awesome reads coming up that I want to get into, and the only way to do it is to dedicate some time to it. :D

So keep your eyes out, lots of reviews coming soon AND the December giveaway is coming in 3 days! Eeee! Still yet to decide what the giveaway will include so if you have any ideas of books you’d like up for grabs (new releases included) let me know in the comments below!

What do you think?

  • M.A.D. says:

    So many terrific new books on the horizon!! Dystopian’s my favorite, so I’ll suggest
    The Death Cure for now hehe

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