GFC - Removing it like a band-aid!

I am thinking most of you will have heard the news by now, that as of March 1st 2012 Google are retiring Google Friend Connect on March 1st 2012. This will affect all sites that aren’t on Blogger, like myself.

Now, like most book bloggers, I loved the Google Friend Connect service. However, as this is something that is definitely happening, I thought effective 1st January, like a band aid, I am just going to rip GFC down and deal with the ensuing 30 seconds of pain afterwards.

Whilst I liked having that service, I am not completely broken hearted. I have really been promoting my Facebook site for the last few months and had people follow this instead. This is one way I am preparing myself for the inevitable “life after Google Friend Connect”. As a blogger, I feel keeping in touch with my readers is the highest priority. I’ve linked up my Facebook with Networked Blogs - this means every time I make a post, Networked Blogs automatically feeds that to my Facebook and Twitter account letting my readers know of the new post. How helpful!

This leads me on to my second (but equally important) tool and this is Twitter. I’ve been on Twitter for about a year now, and have been heavily promoting this probably more than my Facebook. I cannot reitterate how strong a tool Twitter is for networking and connecting to other bloggers! So many “friends” I’ve made on the internet are due to Twitter, including making some really strong contacts with all my other Aussie book blogger friends out there as well.

Also, do not underestimate the power of Goodreads! Goodreads is amazing, it’s like Facebook but for book lovers!! So many connections and friendships to be made there! I promote a lot of my giveaways there also.

So Jan 1st is the date. It’s done. I will survive and so will you! Make sure you have your back up plans up and running before March 1st and start networking now.

If you’re a new blogger and you’re not sure, reach out. I am happy to help (as much as I can) if people would like help transitioning.Email me at or leave me a comment!


What do you think?

  • Sarah says:

    This GFC business is really making everything so hard but I’d surely follow you on FB and Goodreads. :)

  • mimz says:

    I’m following you on twitter and goodreads but I’d love it if there was a RSS option. I’m just too attached to Google Reader and having everything there. lol

    • Melissa says:

      Thank you for the suggestion, I do currently have an RSS feed, but the button/link will be going up on the site also Jan 1st when GFC comes down, so if that’s your preference it’ll be here for you! :)

  • I’ll still be able to follow you through feedly, but does this mean you won’t know who is following you and who isn’t?

  • Yay for International Book Bloggers! I’m in Scotland!

    I’ve actually never used GFC to follow a blog before in my life. I have it on my blog, but I have no idea how to use it. I think it’s pretty much useless. It is just a way for people to show how many follows they have. Maybe? Maybe not?

    I love twitter! Seriously! I put WAY more info on my twitter than I do my blog. From reviews, to kindle deals, to bookish news. I love it! It is SO easy and fun. Twitter is where it’s at!

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