Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by Tahleen at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because due to a love of lists and what better way to celebrate lists than with book related ones?

This weeks topic is:


Top 10 Books I’d Quickly Save If My House Was Going To Be Abducted By Aliens (or any other natural disaster… you get the drift.)

10. The Twilight Box set

In my world, a box set counts as one book. haha So you’re going to see a few box sets or series! I couldn’t possibly JUST narrow it to 10. If there was a real emergency, I’d be backing the car to the house with the boot open and every book would be going in! Twilight as corny and cheesy as it is to put it on this list was one of the first YA books I ever read and loved, so it holds great sentimental value for me.

9. Wither - Lauren DeStefano

Wither is probably one of my favourite dystopian novels, and if I was selfish (and I am), I would probably say that this world disaster is waiting until Fever comes out too, and I would also smuggle that with me because the world CANNOT end before I read Fever! I am so looking forward to it!


8. Pretty Little Liars series - Sara Shepard

I would love to take this whole series with me. I read and loved the first book, but have not read any of the other books in the series yet. This would give me something really fun and light to read, and if some heavy stuff is happening in the world, this would be one series that would help to mellow everything out.

7. Across The Universe - Beth Revis

I just finished this book a couple of nights ago and it’s shot it’s way up my list to become one of my all time faves! This book (as well as A Million Suns which I am reading now) would be two books definitely save-worthy from an end of the world event! And if you don’t get why I am saying this because you’ve not read Across The Universe yet, then I think you need to read it now!


6. Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi

Probably one of the best YA books I have ever read, and definitely in my top 3 dystopian novels that I have ever read also. This is such a promising series, and I enjoyed this book so much that it’s remained on my shelf ever since reading it. It’s definitely a keeper, and based on that, definitely a book I could find myself wanting to read again in the future!


5. Anna & The French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins

Oh Anna. Anna & The French Kiss was another of my faves of 2011. I defy any person to really not enjoy Anna. It’s beautifully written and who doesn’t enjoy a nice romance in France?! If I had it my way not only would I smuggle this book out, but I would also try and take Lola & The Boy Next Door for good measure, because both of these books were absolutely as good as each other. I couldn’t pick a fave of the two!

4. The Hunger Games Series

I’d take this whole series in a heartbeat. Whilst the first book was definitely my clear favourite, I do have a soft spot for the second and third books in the Hunger Games Trilogy also and this is a series I am actually planning on re-reading this year (hopefully the first one before the movie comes out in March!). This would be coming with me immediately!


3. The Harry Potter 1-7 Boxset

I am counting this as one…. cause it’s ONE boxset and I can slot that under my arm. lol The world is not as good a place without Harry Potter, and this would allow me to finish off the series since I am yet to do it (still I know). So it would give me something to do when the rest of the world ends in peril.


2. My graphic novel collection - Batman FTW! lol I have a really great collection of superhero graphic novels (yes, that’s comics), including Batman, Batgirl, Black Canary, The Wizard Of Oz, True Blood, Anita Blake… I really love my collection and I would definitely be grabbing that in armfuls!

1. My Kindle - I technically break the rules on this one, and I am going to say I would FIRSTLY grab my Kindle. Which has hundreds of books on it. Is that cheeky? haha I don’t care, that’s my answer anyway! My kindle is ALWAYS in my handbag, unless it’s charging, and I have bought so many books on it, both favourites that I love, and books I am yet to read. So definitely my Kindle. :)


What books would you recommend readers? :)

What do you think?

  • Deb Nance at Readerb says:

    Clever, clever girl! Box sets, eh?! So smart!

    Here’s my Top Ten Books I’d Save If My Home Was on Fire.

    I’d like to invite you to sign up for my February Giveaway! Win Paris to the Past or All Kinds of Kisses or a $25 Amazon gift card!

  • Great picks! I picked Hunger Games, Shatter Me and my e-reader too.

    Top Ten Tuesday

  • Love your choices - if I had a Kindle, I would take it too. I’d take big chunky books since I don’t have an eReader - don’t ask me how I would transport them though!

  • I go NOWHERE without an eReader (although it varies on which purse I’m carrying which I take with me - iPad/Kindle/Nook)

    I really need to read Wither!! I know Fever is out now; but it sounds like my type of book and EVERYONE loves it.

    -Jac @ For Love and Books
    (Top Ten / Teaser Tuesday)

  • Liza says:

    I would take these in a heartbeat! I guess great minds think alike :)

    My Top Ten

  • Hollie says:

    I included a couple of these on my list too! I forgot about The Hunger Games, although I’ve currently lent my copy to my friend, so I’d just get her to bring that along for me!

    My Top Ten

  • Dana Burgess says:

    Hmmm - I think you managed to save more than 10. Smart girl. Does that mean the boxes of books I have waiting for hubby to build more shelves would count as 1 per box?

  • Bree says:

    Totally, totally agree about Anna! It’s one book I could take and read over and over and over again and never get bored of it.

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