March Giveaway Winner Announced!!

G0od Evening (in Australia anyways) readers! It’s time to announce the winner of my March book Giveaway! This was a huge giveaway for me, I chose 4 books that I really enjoyed reading and the amount of entries I received for this was crazy! I received 1559 entries to the giveaway - so firstly I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to enter, it’s definitely been the best reception to a giveaway I’ve had yet - and actually I am hoping that next months one might be even bigger if we can help it. :)

To refresh your mind as to what was up for grabs, one lucky winner was winning a copy of one of the books of their choice from the following:

As the giveaway is done through Rafflecopter it certainly helps make my life much easier when it comes to picking a winner!

AND… that winner is……


Congratulations Cathee, I’m emailing you now for your details to find out what book you would like!

For those who didn’t win, keep your eyes peeled as there is a new giveaway coming tomorrow!

What do you think?

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