Touch of Power winners re-drawn

Hey readers,

In the interest of not being dodgy, I have re-drawn the winners of Touch Of Power by Maria V Snyder, and am sharing this with you. People, if the terms and conditions of the competition states you need to live in Australia or New Zealand only, those are the rules. :( It makes it really awkward for me when I have to email the winner all excited, only to have to email them back and go… oh you’re outside of those countries. :/ I feel bad about that. But those are the terms from the publisher as they are so graciously posting the books out for me.

So the two new winners are……

Katrina & Shirley!

Hopefully you both live in Aus or NZ… LOL!! :)

What do you think?

  • Arianne says:

    I’ve entered a giveaway once and then read the terms that says Australian only.. it was awkward, i couldn’t take it back. good thing i didn’t win.

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