Mailbox Monday #1

Good evening readers!!

So instead of IMM Sunday which I have done for almost a year now, I have decided that I will no longer be participating in that. I feel as though to stand by Kristi after she was recently caught in a plagiarism scandal would be to support her actions which I do not. Therefore from now on I will be participating in the Mailbox Monday meme instead. You’re more than welcome to jump on board if you wish!

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

Mailbox Monday is originally hosted by Marcia from A girl and her books and The Printed Page. In the summer of 2010 Marcia decided she needed a change in hosting and didn’t want to rely on one blogger alone to do it because its a lot of work so she decided to put Mailbox Monday on tour and so far with great success it has made monthly stops at more then a dozen blogs and this year is booked until the end. Cindy from Cindy’s Love Of Books has hosted Mailbox Monday in April.

The host for May is Martha from Reviews by Martha’s Bookshelf. Be sure to check her out!

HUGE week this week! I don’t know when I will get time to read these as in ONE WEEK I am going to be in the U S of A!!!! I cannot wait! I am starting to pack already!


Fated (Soul Seekers #1) - Alyson Noel

Thank you so mcuh to Pan Macmillan Australia for a copy of this book!! It looks like such a great read! It’s received amazing reviews too!

Strange things are happening to Daire Santos. Crows mock her, glowing people stalk her, time stops without warning, and a beautiful boy with unearthly blue eyes haunts all her dreams. Fearing for her daughter’s sanity, Daire’s mother sends her to live with the grandmother she’s never met. A woman who recognizes the visions for what they truly are—the call to her destiny as a Soul Seeker—one who can navigate the worlds between the living and dead.


Green Heart - Alice Hoffman

Beautiful cover right?! Green Heart is a bind up of Green Angel and Green Witch. I hadn’t heard of these books before I received this copy from Scholastic Australia (Thank you so much!), but after looking into this on Goodreads I am super keen to get into it! They look like they are only a novella also as the book is quite small for having two stories within! Definitely worth checking out!!



The Selection - Keira Cass (Audiobook)


You may have seen my post the other day about Audiobooks. I am getting a healthy obsession for them! Especially since I’ve figured out the x2 feature on iPad and I can listen to them and take them in so much faster! I got through half of this book last night alone… I ADORE this book so far. I honestly am lapping it up. I hope to finish it tonight! Review to come on this, it’s really quite good.


The Masque Of The Red Death - Bethany Griffin

I have been looking forward to this one!! The cover is amazing, which of course always helps when you’re looking for potential new books to read!

Everything is in ruins. A devastating plague has decimated the population. And those who are left live in fear of catching it as the city crumbles to pieces around them.

So what does Araby Worth have to live for? Nights in the Debauchery Club, beautiful dresses, glittery make-up . . . and tantalizing ways to forget it all.

But in the depths of the club—in the depths of her own despair—Araby will find more than oblivion. She will find Will, the terribly handsome proprietor of the club. And Elliott, the wickedly smart aristocrat. Neither boy is what he seems. Both have secrets. Everyone does.


Glimmer - Phoebe Kitanidis

This sounds like it’s going to have a few surprises around the corner. I love books like this where you have to piece bits together!

What if you forgot your identity and had to rely on other people to tell you who you were? And what if to discover your true self, you first had to unravel a mystery so big and terrifying you were not sure you’d survive solving it?

When Marshall and Elyse wake up in each other’s arms with zero memory of how they got there or who they are, it’s the start of a long journey through their separate pasts and shared future.


Storm (Elementals #1) - Brigid Kemmerer

I think I’ve seen this in most people’s mailboxes this week!!! It looks fantastic though. :D

Ever since her ex-boyfriend spread those lies about her, Becca Chandler is suddenly getting all the guys—all the ones she doesn’t want. Then she saves Chris Merrick from a beating in the school parking lot. Chris is different. Way different: he can control water—just like his brothers can control fire, wind, and earth. They’re powerful. Dangerous. Marked for death.


The Amityville Horror - Jay Anson (Audiobook)

Not my usual style of book as this is DEFINITELY not YA! haha But I have an interest in these types of things (Call me an openminded skeptic), and so I got this from Audible. It was really entertaining, and definitely at times scary. A shame the whole Amityville thing was revealed to be a hoax, but then again listening to it, I wouldn’t have believed it to be true anyways. Either way, a fantastic piece of fiction… really scary story. And I think I may just write up a review… step outside of the YA bounds and share my thoughts!



So that is all from me this week, what’s in your mailbox? Let me know - leave your links in the comments section below!



What do you think?

  • Great books for you, I adore Alice Hoffman! I too will be Mailbox Mondaying it from now on, my post will be up in a few hours.

  • You don’t have an email way to follow you? Can you pretty please? :)

  • I hope all of the books exceed your expectation!

  • You got some great books. I’m looking forward to The Selection. It’s been getting mixed reviews but that darn synopsis sounds to good for me not to give it a chance.

  • Lucy says:

    I received Fated this week too - love that yellow on your cover. Glad to hear you are enjoying the Selection audiobook. I haven’t listened to that narrator before so I’m curious to hear what you think. Hope you write a review of Amityville too. Looks like a scary one!
    Enjoy all your new reads & listens!

  • Oh my gosh those all look amazing! I love the Australian cover for Fated! Happy reading :)
    My Mailbox

  • I totally understand why you switched and agree 100%. I won’t be linking to her anymore because of that. We are so happy to have you on board. You had a great mailbox and super jealous of a few titles you got. Have fun in the USA I leave for NYC in a little over a month.

  • Wrighty says:

    Ooooh, such good books! I have most of them on my wishlist (especially The Masque of The Red Death). The Amityville Horror scared the crap out of me many years ago! I’m also reading The Immortal Rules now. Hope you enjoy your goodies and hope you have a nice trip. Welcome to Mailbox Monday!

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