W..W..W.. Wednesdays

It’s Wednesday! Which means it’s time to tell you what I have been up to for the last week! W..W..W.. Wednesdays is a weekly meme bought to you by MizB from Should Be Reading.

What are you currently reading?

I am STILL Harbinger by Sara Wilson Etienne and also The Ask & The Answer (Walking Chaos #2) by Patrick Ness. I’ve put the breaks on the Patrick Ness one until I finish Harbinger since it needs more of my attention. I haven’t had much time to read as I’m putting the finishing touches on my US trip (3 weeks left exactly!!) and that is demanding my time right now.

What did you recently finish reading?

I last reviewed The Future Of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler.

What do you think you’ll read next?

I have a number of ARCs to read and I received Fated by Alyson Noel today from Pan Macmillan so I might read this one next!

What is everyone out there reading at the moment?

What do you think?

  • Mel says:

    I’m having similar issues with my current read ‘The Passage’ keep starting and stopping to read other stuff, but it needs more focused reading. The Patrick Ness books are in my tbr pile - hopefully will get to them before the summer

    Here’s my WWW


  • Irish says:

    Harbinger is such an odd little book. I hope that you are enjoying it. Its the book that I most recently reviewed on my blog as well.

    My WWW Wednesday is here.

  • Kwizgiver says:

    I’m with you-I should be paying more attention to my main book but I’m reading a fun book, too.

  • Megan says:

    I really enjoyed Fated. I hope you do, too!

  • Angelya says:

    Hmm, what is it about Harbinger that is making it a slow read for you? I haven’t read it yet but I am interested in it :)
    Here’s my www.

  • Melissa says:

    I haven`t heard of Harbinger, but I did read the first Ness book and wasn`t a huge fan of the series. I`ve heard so many good things about the series though, so maybe it gets better?

    Here’s my WWW: http://writergrrlreads.blogspot.ca/2012/04/www-april-18.html

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