By now I am in LA…

After a 14 hour flight!

For those of you playing from home, here is what my itinery looks like at the moment:

May 9 - 13: LA/Hollywood and surrounds

May 13 - 16: Disneyland for three solid days! I am so excited!

May 16 - 20: Bus from Disneyland to Las Vegas… and whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! haha I plan to do some major shopping there!

May 20 - 25: New York! We’re flying American Airlines from Vegas to NY, and we will have 5 solid days there. So much planned already whilst we’re there!

May 25 - 26: Boston for one night. Last minute thing, but we’ve got Red Sox tickets for the game on May 25th! I am super excited!

May 26 - 27: New Jersey for one night… we’re hoping to visit Carlo’s Bakery (from Cake Boss), but it’s a couple of hours from Atlantic City so unsure as to whether it’s happening or not.

May 27 - 30: Back in NY to finish off our trip!! Shopping, site seeing…. OMG. New York has me the most excited of the whole stay. :D

I am hoping to be able to post pics along the way, but in the instance I can’t, I would definitely recommend adding me to twitter - @booknerdreviews if you haven’t as I’ll post some pics on Instamatic where possible!



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