W..W..W.. Wednesdays

It’s Wednesday which means it’s time to tell you what I have been up to for the last week! W..W..W.. Wednesdays is a weekly meme bought to you by MizB from Should Be Reading.

What are you currently reading?

I am juggling so much stuff right now!!! Firstly, I am reading Fifty Shades Darker by E L James (Definitely not YA!). Still have Insurgent by Veronica Roth to finish and I’m reading Will Greyson Will Greyson by John Green and David Levithan.

What did you recently finish reading?

I last finished Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James. Pretty awesome, but not YA. Thinking I might still review the book anyways as there’s a lot of general interest in the adult fiction world about this series (deservingly so).

What do you think you’ll read next?

After I finish Insurgent, I’ve got some ARC’s, but I also want to finish the Fifty Shades series. Inundated right now. SO much to read. I need an assistant I think to help out! haha

What is everyone out there reading at the moment?

What do you think?

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