Friday Hop!
Ooooh it’s been a long time since I’ve hopped on a Friday! ;) Here we go!
Q: What hyped up book do you think was worth all the talk?
I probably have a few….. firstly, I am pretty certain this will be on most people’s lists but The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is completely an obvious one to me! Absolutely ah-maze-cheese. Loved it.
Next I’d say probably Divergent by Veronica Roth… one of my fave reads of 2011.
And then I’m going to go with Anna & The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. So much hype. And so good….. sooooo so good. :) Wouldn’t have read this if it WASN’T for all the hype, and it exceeded my expectations!
What do you think?
I definitely got to get to that Divergent!
Hunger Games definitely lived up to the hype! Great great book!
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Hunger Games definitely lived up to the hype! Great great book!
My follow friday! Please visit!
Hopping through. Yay for HG and Anna and the FK. Still need to read Divergent.
My Hop
The Hunger Games and Anna more than lived up to the hype. Great choices. New follower via RSS.
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Oh, yes, I adored Anna and the French Kiss. I’ve seen that on quite a few blogs today :)
I’m actually listening (via audiobook) to Lola and the Boy Next Door right now. I’m liking it a lot, but so far, I prefer Anna more.
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I still need to read both books, I hope too soon
New follower
I loved the Hunger Games!
My FF @ Pink Fluffy Hearts
Two of the books on your list I’ve read, The Hunger Games and Divergent, and I loved them both, and Anna and the French Kiss I’ve seen on here so many times that I’ve got to read it. Excellent choices!
Old follower!