Friday Hop!

Ooooh it’s been a long time since I’ve hopped on a Friday! ;) Here we go!

Q: What hyped up book do you think was worth all the talk?

I probably have a few….. firstly, I am pretty certain this will be on most people’s lists but The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is completely an obvious one to me! Absolutely ah-maze-cheese. Loved it.

Next I’d say probably Divergent by Veronica Roth… one of my fave reads of 2011.

And then I’m going to go with Anna & The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. So much hype. And so good….. sooooo so good. :) Wouldn’t have read this if it WASN’T for all the hype, and it exceeded my expectations!

What do you think?

  • BookBelle says:

    I definitely got to get to that Divergent!

  • Hunger Games definitely lived up to the hype! Great great book!

    My follow friday! Please visit!

  • Hunger Games definitely lived up to the hype! Great great book!

    My follow friday! Please visit!

  • Hopping through. Yay for HG and Anna and the FK. Still need to read Divergent.
    My Hop

  • Adina says:

    The Hunger Games and Anna more than lived up to the hype. Great choices. New follower via RSS.
    My Feature and Follow

  • Oh, yes, I adored Anna and the French Kiss. I’ve seen that on quite a few blogs today :)

    I’m actually listening (via audiobook) to Lola and the Boy Next Door right now. I’m liking it a lot, but so far, I prefer Anna more.

    Here’s my Follow Friday

  • Donna/BLHmistress says:

    I still need to read both books, I hope too soon

    New follower

    My FF

  • Corina says:

    I loved the Hunger Games!

    My FF @ Pink Fluffy Hearts

  • Heather says:

    Two of the books on your list I’ve read, The Hunger Games and Divergent, and I loved them both, and Anna and the French Kiss I’ve seen on here so many times that I’ve got to read it. Excellent choices!

    Old follower!

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