I Found It On Etsy
Welcome to Etsy Saturdays! What is Etsy? Think of Etsy.com as ebay for the homemade. Homemade is “in” again and everyone is doing it, including lovers of YA! And so each Saturday I am sharing with you some cool stuff I found on Etsy and hook you up if you want to buy up! I can’t promise that this post will be good for your hip pocket!
I’ve been getting into crochet in the last couple of months.. learning how to do it and creating some cute (in theory) pieces. Whilst I am not incredible at it, they always say practice makes perfect. In the meantime I look at some awesome creations people make on Etsy and sigh to myself a whole lot. lol This week I found the cutest Hedwig Owl plush from Harry Potter!
Crochet Hedwig Doll Harry Potter Inspired by amandajocrafts
And if that’s too big for you, there’s also mini versions!
Harry Potter Owls Arigurumi Owls Crochet Owl by amandajocrafts
TOO cute!! I’d put these on my bookshelves next to the books I think!
Stay tuned for next week! If you see anything on Etsy you think would be a good feature, let me know on Twitter @booknerdreviews!
What do you think?
I think this is a great feature! Well, except for the fact that I’m now on Etsy and probably going to do some damage to my bank account. *sigh*
Thank you Kayla! I wanted to try and come up with something original that reflected me. And I LOVE shopping on Etsy too - I totally understand how bad it is for your hip pocket! lol But it’s so much fun! :)