November In Review

Good evening! I hope you’ve all had an awesome month of reading! Here is my reviews for November if you missed it! Had a pretty big month of reading (by my standards in any case! lol) with 6 reviews done (I also read The Diviners which was a whopping 600 pages but the review will be posted in December):

The Iron Prince - Julie Kagawa
Confessions Of A Murder Suspect - James Patterson
This Dark Endeavor (The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein) - Kenneth Oppel
What’s Left Of Me - Kat Zhang
Fathomless (Fairytale Retelling #3) - Jackson Pearce
Ten - Gretchen McNeil

I had a great month of reading, some amazing books! The stand out from the reviews this month was probably both Ten and What’s Left Of Me. I really enjoyed them both!

The December giveaway is coming tomorrow morning, keep your eyes peeled! That’s it from me for now! x

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