Review: The Lost Prince - Julie Kagawa

Release Date: October 23, 2012
Published By:
Harlequin Teen
Goodreads: Add it to your reading list

Rating: 4 out of 5

Synopsis: Don’t look at Them. Never let Them know you can see Them.

That is Ethan Chase’s unbreakable rule. Until the fey he avoids at all costs—including his reputation—begin to disappear, and Ethan is attacked. Now he must change the rules to protect his family. To save a girl he never thought he’d dare to fall for.

Ethan thought he had protected himself from his older sister’s world—the land of Faery. His previous time in the Iron Realm left him with nothing but fear and disgust for the world Meghan Chase has made her home, a land of myth and talking cats, of magic and seductive enemies. But when destiny comes for Ethan, there is no escape from a danger long, long forgotten.

Review: The Lost Prince is the 5th book in the Iron Fey series. Ethan Chase is our protagonist, Meghan Chase’s little brother. Although he’s not so little anymore. Ethan is now 17, and he has been able to see the Fey ever since he was kidnapped by them at the age of 4 when Meghan first ventured into the NeverNever to save him. Ethan made his way back home, and Meghan stayed on in the NeverNever to become The Iron Queen. Since then, Ethan has felt abandoned by his sister and on guard by the Fey that watch him. He has perfected his skills in the martial art of Kali knowing that one day he will need his craft to protect himself.

Ethan never guessed though that he wouldn’t only be needing to protect himself, but also one of his classmates, a girl he is trying to not fall for - Kenzie. However that is exactly what happens.

I loved the fast pace at the start of this book, I really got into it and loved where it picked up from. I felt like it got a liiiiitle slow in the middle (not bad, just not as action packed), but it did pick back up and I really did love this book. I love that overall it’s really one big story throughout this series, however just told from several perspectives.

I love the chemistry between Kenzie and Ethan, and loved seeing his guard slowly come down. I also was jaw dropped towards the end of the book with a twist I would have never guessed was coming. I love that there are always still so many surprises left in this series, and I am truly looking forward to reading more!

It felt like catching up with old friends when we saw how Ash and Meghan were doing, and we meet their son Kierran who is rather awesome. And I won’t lie… I had a fan girl moment when Puck made a return as well! The old gang!

Huge thumbs up to this book, a great addition to the Iron Fey series! A must for any fan of the series.


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