Merry Christmas!

Good morning everyone!

No real updates from me today as I will be spending the next 12 hours consuming food and sleeping it off! lol But I did want to just take a moment out to say that I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas (or if you don’t celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a good holiday).

I don’t usually like to get too sentimental, but as this is my second Book Nerd Christmas, I just want to again say thank you to all my regulars for a great year we’ve had, and thank you to all the people I’ve been able to meet online and become friends with. I truly love this community that we have and everything that it stands for.

Stay safe this holiday season, and take care of one another. I hope you all have an amazing time this holiday season spending time with your loved ones as I will.


What do you think?

  • Lynn K. says:

    Merry Christmas, Melissa!
    I didn’t celebrate it but it was my sister’s birthday so we ate a lot too! And I have a new cousin who was born on the day. :)

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