Winners of the March giveaway announced

Good evening!! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Easter (for those who celebrate it) so far!! It’s the end of my March giveaway already, and two lucky winners are each able to pick out one of the below books of their choice!

Firstly before I announce the winners, I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to enter. If you don’t win this month, you should enter my April giveaway coming tomorrow, which is going to be super huge as it’s also Book Nerd Reviews’ 2 year blogoversary on April 24th! So I am giving more books away, and it’s going to be bigger than my normal giveaways!! TOMORROW peeps!!

Okay but first things first, the winners of my March giveaway!

Here they are:

Rebecca Sabberton

Reading Mind

Congratulations to the both of you, I will email you shortly asking for more details from each of you then! For everyone else, come back tomorrow to see the new giveaway!! x

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