2 Today!

Today marks 2 years since Book Nerd Reviews started! When I first started this blog, I had absolutely no expectations or concept about how big this blog would eventually become. Usually I lose interest in projects pretty quickly, but not only am I still doing it 2 years later, but I am still really enjoying this, and can’t imagine myself NOT doing this. I am lucky enough to be able to continue doing this blog, and sharing my bookish thoughts with you all along the way.

So this is ultimately a thank you. To each person who has visited my sites, and especially to those of you who come back again. Thank you for your comments, your tweets, for supporting my giveaways and for the friendships I have formed with some amazing people in this time.

The book blogging community is a great one for the most part, and I’ve only got amazing experiences up until now. My friends know who they are (Yes you bloggers on Twitter!). Your support has been fantastic.

Here’s to my 2nd year blogoversary! Make sure if you haven’t done so, that you enter my blogoversary giveaway happening right now!

What do you think?

  • Congrats! I adore your blog so keep up the good work! ^_^

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