Cover Reveal: Unhinged (Splintered #2) - A.G. Howard
Thoughts: WOW!!! Seriously, how amazing is this cover? I got over half way through Splintered and haven’t finished it yet. I hit a slow patch in the book and never quite turned back to it. That being said, I actually did like what I had read of it up until that point. It definitely had some good ideas behind it, and Alice in Wonderland.. hello?! Brilliant!
I love the inspiration behind this cover, with the mad hatter and the moth on the collar there. It’s actually inspiring me to want to finish the first book just so I’ll be able to read Unhinged when it comes out!
The bad news, is that unfortunately we’re not going to be seeing this one on our shelves until like… January 2014. Sad face. It feels so far away! But at least it gives me plenty of time to be organised and up to date with Splintered by this time!
Synopsis: None… yet! Rest assured when I know more, you will also know more!
What do you think?
so pretty. i really like this, love the colors!
I love the colours too! It’s got a real magical look to it, doesnt it?
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