May International Giveaway Winners

Good evening everyone!!! May is over already - and so I have two winners to announce for the May Giveaway!

To remind you what was up for grabs this month, two lucky winners will win one of the books of their choice below. You can choose from the following May releases:

The End Games by T. Michael Martin
Transparent by Natalie Whipple
The Rules for Disappearing by Ashley Elston
Doll Bones by Holly Black
The S-Word by Chelsea Pitcher
The 5th Wave (The Fifth Wave #1) by Rick Yancey
Reboot (Reboot #1) by Amy Tintera
Purgatory Reign by L.M. Preston
Towering by Alex Flinn
Coda by Emma Trevayne

The winners are……..

Len Delgado

Vanesa Damonte


Congratulations! I will send each of you an email within the next 48 hours to see what book you would like to choose!

If you didn’t win, that’s okay… there will be another giveaway starting tomorrow. Be sure you come back and to enter our June giveaway then! There’ll be some really amazing new release YA books up for grabs!!

What do you think?

  • Kristy says:

    Congratulations Len and Vanesa! I hope you enjoy your book (whichever you choose)

  • Vanesa says:


    MEEEEE? REALLY? I never win anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t beive it! OMG. THAAAAANKS!

    I’m sooooo, sooooo, happy.!!!!!

  • Congrats Len and Vanesa!

  • Vanesa says:

    Hey there, just a little question. Is it okay that I haven’t received any mail yet?

    Just wondering! I understand you are very busy, and that Melissa is a little sick, so this isn’t to hurry things. Just to be sure.

    Have a great day, girls!

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