May International Giveaway

Good evening! Sorry for the delay in posts guys, I have had a bit of personal stuff happening in the background, however life is back to normal now and so it’s business as usual! I am here with my May giveaway! Yaaaaaay!

I’ve scoured Goodreads for some awesome new release YA titles this month and I am happy to say that I have some great books for giveaway this month. :) In May, two lucky winners will win one of the books of their choice below. You can choose from the following May releases:

The End Games by T. Michael Martin
Transparent by Natalie Whipple
The Rules for Disappearing by Ashley Elston
Doll Bones by Holly Black
The S-Word by Chelsea Pitcher
The 5th Wave (The Fifth Wave #1) by Rick Yancey
Reboot (Reboot #1) by Amy Tintera
Purgatory Reign by L.M. Preston
Towering by Alex Flinn
Coda by Emma Trevayne

You can enter via the Rafflecopter widget below! You have all month, until May 31st so enter now and come back later to get even more entries for tweeting!

Good luck to you! x

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What do you think?

  • Sorry to hear you’re going through some personal stuff. Good to hear it’s getting back to normal though :) Have a great rest of the week!

  • There are so many books coming out this month! I super excited for The End Games, Coda, The S-Word, The Rules of Disappearing, & The 5th Wave. Thanks for the giveaway and I’m glad to hear all is well again :)

  • Brodie says:

    May looks AMAZING! So excited to read so many of these, especially The 5th Wave after all the hype surrounding it! Thanks so much for the giveaway, you awesome book nerd, you :)

    And I’m happy to hear things are getting back to normal for you! <3

  • Awesome giveaway.Thanks so much :)

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