August International Giveaway

Good evening everyone! We’re baaaaaaaack. New month, new giveaway. Well kinda new month. Close enough to a new month! ;) Here’s your change to win some of the hottest YA releases this August! Open internationally, this month three lucky winners, will each win a book of their choice from the new releases below. Kristy and I love our readers and this is our monthly thank you to our loyal readers! You can enter this giveaway no matter where you live in the world so long as The Book Depository ships out to you.

The winners will be able to choose from one of the following books below each:

All Our Yesterdays - Cristin Terrill
The Boy on the Bridge - Natalie Standiford
The Sound - Sarah Alderson
Her Ladyship’s Curse (Disenchanted & Co. #1) - Lynn Viehl
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock - Matthew Quick
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (Between #1) - April Genevieve Tucholke
Demonosity - Amanda Ashby
The Infinite Moment of Us - Lauren Myracle
Taste Test - Kelly Fiore
Perdition (Dred Chronicles #1) - Ann Aguirre
Just Like Fate - Cat Patrick
Two Boys Kissing - David Levithan

To enter this giveaway, check out the Rafflecopter widget below. You get one entry for free, and then if you follow Kristy and I you’re able to get even more entries. Obviously the more entries you have, the more chances you have to win! Simple.

This giveaway is running all of August through to the 31st when the two winners will be announced. Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What do you think?

  • […] much as I am? Some epic releases coming out this month. You can win any one of these books in our August giveaway this month too, so be sure to enter to be in the running to win any one of these amazing […]

  • You guys are pretty awesome for doing these giveaways every month! And there are so many new releases to choose from! I keep hearing so many good things about All Our Yesterdays, so no matter what I feel like I need to check that one out. And Between the evil and the Deep Blue Sea with that cover? Gorgeous!

    • Melissa says:

      Thanks Asti! :) I know I love when other bloggers give us readers a chance to win prizes, so we do our best around here to share the love! haha

      I have head SO many amazing things about All Our Yesterdays, I am going to start reading this soon too! I agree about the cover for And Between The Evil And The Deep Blue Sea… stunning. I am in love! x
      Melissa recently posted…Nerding Out In August - New ReleasesMy Profile

  • Brianna says:

    I LOVE the covers of “Between the Evil and the Deep Blue Sea” and “The Infinite Moment of Us”!

  • What a great giveaway! I’m definitely leaning toward Boy on the Bridge. I’ve heard great things.

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