Aussie Giveaway - Personalised SIGNED copy of The Last Girl by Michael Adams

Another day and another giveaway!! For regular readers of Book Nerd Reviews, a few weeks ago I reviewed The Last Girl by Michael Adams, which I just thought was fantastic. And last week we had Michael stop by and have a chat about the book, which I thought was fascinating. Michael has very kindly allowed Book Nerd Reviews to host a giveaway of The Last Girl. And not only has he offered this, he has offered to personally sign it to whoever the lucky winner is! We’re so excited to be hosting this giveaway. Due to the cost of postage etc, this giveaway will be open to Australian residents only. Big apologies to our international readers, however we do have two current giveaways happening for international readers which you can find here and here.

For those of you who missed my review of The Last Girl, you should definitely have a look to see what it’s all about. And likewise check out our chat with Michael Adams too. If you want to see the book trailer click here.

Synopsis: The end of the world happened quickly. The sun still shone, there was no explosion - just a tsunami-sized wave of human thought drowning the world in telepathic noise as everyone’s inner-most secrets became audible. Everyone’s thoughts, that is, except sixteen-year-old Danby.

Everyone looked like bad actors in a poorly dubbed movie. Their expressions didn’t match their emotions and their lips didn’t sync with what they were saying. But they were all so loud.


The end of the world happens in the blink of an eye.

When The Snap sweeps the globe, everyone can instantly hear everything that everyone else is thinking. As secrets and lies are laid bare, suburbs and cities explode into insanity and violence. What might have been an evolutionary leap instead initiates the apocalypse.

Sixteen-year-old Danby Armstrong’s telepathy works very differently. She can tune into other people but they can’t tune into her. With only this slender defence, Danby must protect her little brother and reach the safety of her mother’s mountain retreat. But it’s 100 kilometres away and the highways are blocked by thousands of cars and surrounded by millions of people coming apart at the psychic seams.

Danby’s escape is made even more dangerous by another cataclysm that threatens humanity’s extinction. And her ability to survive this new world will be tested by a charismatic young man whose power to save lives may be worse than death itself.

This giveaway starts now and will run through to November 30th when a winner will be picked via the Rafflecopter widget below! Everyone gets a free entry and you will get more entries if you’d like to share about the giveaway or follow us or Michael. Please only enter if you’re an Australian resident guys, I know it’s easy to get carried away, but it makes the process slow when we pick a winner and they end up living elsewhere, because then we pull another winner, and it’s just time consuming. Appreciate it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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