W..W..W.. Wednesdays

It’s Wednesday which means it’s time to tell you what we have been up to for the past week! W..W..W.. Wednesdays is a weekly meme bought to you by MizB from Should Be Reading.

What are you currently reading?

Melissa - I am currently juggling some YA and some comics at the same time. I feel this will be a huge theme for me in 2014. But it’s working for me right now, so I’ll keep doing it. I’m reading Confessions: The Private School Murders (Confessions #2) - James Patterson & Maxine Paetro. I enjoyed the first book in this series and I am hoping this one is good also! I am also reading Wonder Woman New 52 Vol 1 by Brian Azzarello.

Kristy - I have visitors as of tomorrow, so I didn’t want to start a novel that I couldn’t fully focus on, so I am currently reading an anthology: The Kiss: An Anthology of Love and Other Close Encounters by C.A. Newsome


What did you recently finish reading?

Melissa - I finished reading It’s Kind Of A Funny Story by Ned Vizzini. I posted the review of this on Monday in case you missed it!

Kristy - I recently finished Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge.


What do you think you’ll read next?

Melissa - Still taking things as they come as I’ve just come out of a reading slump and don’t want to feel the pressure of a reading pile at the moment, so I’ll pick whatever I feel like reading next at the time.

Kristy - Teen Spirit by Francesca Lia Block and then maybe Me Since You by Laura Wiess (if Melissa doesn’t read it first)


What is everyone out there reading at the moment, and more importantly is it a good read? Share your links below!

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