Stacking the Shelves #80

Hi everyone! This week’s Stacking the Shelves is going to be a huge one, as I will be including all the books I received or purchased during the time that I was away on holidays. So, this week will be the books I received or purchased over the last 5 weeks, and the books Melissa added to her shelf over the past 2 weeks.

Stacking the Shelves is bought to you by Tynga from Tynga’s Reviews. Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!


In Mel’s mailbox:

Chasing Stars (After Eden #2)- Helen Douglas

Thanks so much to Bloomsbury Australia for this copy!

The boy Eden loves just saved her life. Now she must save his. To do so she must make a huge sacrifice. Eden can never see her friends or family again, as she travels a hundred years into the future. But the dangerous risk Ryan took to rescue Eden has been uncovered, and now Ryan faces an exile …which will leave Eden separated from him - the one person she can’t live without - and stuck in the future. She must fight to save both of them.

The mesmerising sequel to the author’s wonderful debut, After Eden.


Blackbird - Anna Carey

Thanks so much to Harper Teen for this copy!

This twisty, breathless cat-and-mouse thrill ride, told in the second person, follows a girl with amnesia in present-day Los Angeles who is being pursued by mysterious and terrifying assailants.

A girl wakes up on the train tracks, a subway car barreling down on her. With only minutes to react, she hunches down and the train speeds over her. She doesn’t remember her name, where she is, or how she got there. She has a tattoo on the inside of her right wrist of a blackbird inside a box, letters and numbers printed just below: FNV02198. There is only one thing she knows for sure: people are trying to kill her.

On the run for her life, she tries to untangle who she is and what happened to the girl she used to be. Nothing and no one are what they appear to be. But the truth is more disturbing than she ever imagined.

The Maze Runner series meets Code Name Verity, Blackbird is relentless and action-packed, filled with surprising twists.


Take Me On (Pushing The Limits #4) - Katie McGarry

Thanks again to Harlequin Teen Australia!

Acclaimed author Katie McGarry returns with the knockout new story of two high school seniors who are about to learn what winning really means.

Champion kickboxer Haley swore she’d never set foot in the ring again after one tragic night. But then the guy she can’t stop thinking about accepts a mixed martial arts fight in her honor. Suddenly, Haley has to train West Young. All attitude, West is everything Haley promised herself she’d stay away from. Yet he won’t last five seconds in the ring without her help.

West is keeping a big secret from Haley. About who he really is. But helping her-fighting for her-is a shot at redemption. Especially since it’s his fault his family is falling apart. He can’t change the past, but maybe he can change Haley’s future.

Hayley and West have agreed to keep their relationship strictly in the ring. But as an unexpected bond forms between them and attraction mocks their best intentions, they’ll face their darkest fears and discover love is worth fighting for.


Since You’ve Been Gone - Morgan Matson

The Pre-Sloane Emily didn’t go to parties, she barely talked to guys, she didn’t do anything crazy. Enter Sloane, social tornado and the best kind of best friend—the one who yanks you out of your shell.But right before what should have been an epic summer, Sloane just… disappears. No note. No calls. No texts. No Sloane. There’s just a random to-do list. On it, thirteen Sloane-selected-definitely-bizarre-tasks that Emily would never try… unless they could lead back to her best friend. Apple Picking at Night? Ok, easy enough.Dance until Dawn? Sure. Why not? Kiss a Stranger? Wait… what?

Getting through Sloane’s list would mean a lot of firsts. But Emily has this whole unexpected summer ahead of her, and the help of Frank Porter (totally unexpected) to check things off. Who knows what she’ll find?

Go Skinny Dipping? Um…


In Kristy’s mailbox:

Come Back to Me - Mila Gray

I received this e-ARC from the author - thank you very Mila Gray (who is not-so-secretly Sarah Alderson)! Sorry, no cover has been released as yet.

Home on leave in sunny California, Marine and local lothario Kit Ryan finds himself dangerously drawn to his best friend’s sister, Jessa - the one girl he can’t have.

But Kit’s not about to let a few obstacles stand in his way and soon Jessa’s falling for his irresistible charms.

What starts out as a summer romance of secret hook-ups and magical first times quickly develops into a passionate love affair that turns both their worlds upside down.

When summer’s over and it’s time for Kit to redeploy, neither Kit nor Jessa are ready to say goodbye. Jessa’s finally following her dreams and Kit’s discovered there’s someone he’d sacrifice everything for.

Jessa’s prepared to wait for Kit no matter what. But when something more than distance and time rips them apart they’re forced to decide whether what they have is really worth fighting for.

A breathtaking, scorchingly hot story about love, friendship, family and finding your way back from the edge of heartbreak.


The Year of the Rat - Clare Furniss

Thank you Simon & Schuster Australia for this copy!

Grappling with grief is hard enough without repeat visits from the deceased. Pearl deals with death, life, and family in this haunting, humorous, and poignant debut.

The world can tip at any moment…a fact that fifteen-year-old Pearl is all too aware of when her mom dies after giving birth to her baby sister, Rose.

Rose, who looks exactly like a baby rat, all pink, wrinkled, and writhing. This little Rat has destroyed everything, even ruined the wonderful relationship that Pearl had with her stepfather, the Rat’s biological father.

Mom, though…Mom’s dead but she can’t seem to leave. She keeps visiting Pearl. Smoking, cursing, guiding.

Told across the year following her mother’s death, Pearl’s story is full of bittersweet humor and heartbreaking honesty about how you deal with grief that cuts you to the bone, as she tries not only to come to terms with losing her mother, but also the fact that her sister—The Rat—is a constant reminder of why her mom is no longer around.


Breakable (Contours of the Heart #2) - Tammara Webber

Thank you PenguinTeen Australia for this book!

He was lost and alone. Then he found her.
And the future seemed more fragile than ever.

As a child, Landon Lucas Maxfield believed his life was perfect and looked forward to a future filled with promise — until tragedy tore his family apart and made him doubt everything he ever believed.

All he wanted was to leave the past behind. When he met Jacqueline Wallace, his desire to be everything she needed came so easy…

As easy as it could be for a man who learned that the soul is breakable and that everything you hoped for could be ripped away in a heartbeat.


Flirty Dancing - Jenny McLachlan

Thank you Bloomsbury Australia for this copy!

Bea Hogg is shy but fiery inside. When national dance competition Starwars comes to her school looking for talent, she wants to sign up. It’s just a shame her best friend agreed to enter with school super-cow Pearl Harris. Bea will fight back! But when school hottie, Ollie Matthews, who also happens to be Pearl’s boyfriend, decides to enter the competition with Bea, she will have more than a fight on her hands.

This warm, nuanced, hilarious story about friendship, fortitude . . . and dancing is impossible not to fall in love with. Jenny’s voice is fresh and convincing, and she handles both darker and lighter elements of the story with equal panache.


Take Back the Skies (Take Back the Skies #1) - Lucy Saxon

I also received this one from Bloomsbury Australia.

Catherine Hunter is the daughter of a senior government official on the island of Anglya. She’s one of the privileged – she has luxurious clothes, plenty to eat, and is protected from the Collections which have ravaged families throughout the land. But Catherine longs to escape the confines of her life, before her dad can marry her off to a government brat and trap her forever.

So Catherine becomes Cat, pretends to be a kid escaping the Collections, and stows away on the skyship Stormdancer. As they leave Anglya behind and brave the storms that fill the skies around the islands of Tellus, Cat’s world becomes more turbulent than she could ever have imagined, and dangerous secrets unravel her old life once and for all . .


Searching for Sky - Jillian Cantor

Another wonderful book from Bloomsbury Australia!

Sky and River have always lived on Island, the only world they’ve ever known. Until the day River spots a boat. Across Ocean, in a place called California, Sky is separated from River and forced to live with a grandmother she’s just met. Here the rules for survival are different. People rely on strange things like cars and cell phones. They keep secrets from one another. And without River, nothing makes sense. Sky yearns for her old life where she was strong and capable, not lost and confused. She must find River so they can return to Island, but the truth behind how they ended up there in the first place will come as the biggest shock of all.
Dreams of Gods and Monsters (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #3) - Laini Taylor

Okay, now is the time where you see that I am slightly crazy. I purchased 3 copies of this book… 2 were pre-orders of the US edition, and the limited UK edition (illustrated and signed), and the other copy I purchased in London for Laini to sign when I met her.

By way of a staggering deception, Karou has taken control of the chimaera rebellion and is intent on steering its course away from dead-end vengeance. The future rests on her, if there can even be a future for the chimaera in war-ravaged Eretz.

Common enemy, common cause.

When Jael’s brutal seraph army trespasses into the human world, the unthinkable becomes essential, and Karou and Akiva must ally their enemy armies against the threat. It is a twisted version of their long-ago dream, and they begin to hope that it might forge a way forward for their people.

And, perhaps, for themselves. Toward a new way of living, and maybe even love.

But there are bigger threats than Jael in the offing. A vicious queen is hunting Akiva, and, in the skies of Eretz … something is happening. Massive stains are spreading like bruises from horizon to horizon; the great winged stormhunters are gathering as if summoned, ceaselessly circling, and a deep sense of wrong pervades the world.

What power can bruise the sky?

From the streets of Rome to the caves of the Kirin and beyond, humans, chimaera and seraphim will fight, strive, love, and die in an epic theater that transcends good and evil, right and wrong, friend and enemy.

At the very barriers of space and time, what do gods and monsters dream of? And does anything else matter?


In the Shadows - Kiersten White and Jim Di Bartolo

This was another pre-order. I have been desperately waiting for this book - and it has not disappointed. It is so lovely with its full colour illustrations :) I may have also pre-ordered another copy of this from Powells which was signed by both Kiersten White and Jim Di Bartolo… okay, I totally did, and that has arrived also :)

From the remarkable imagination of acclaimed artist Jim Di Bartolo and the exquisite pen of bestselling author Kiersten White comes a spellbinding story of love, mystery, and dark conspiracy, told in an alternating narrative of words and pictures.

Cora and Minnie are sisters living in a small, stifling town where strange and mysterious things occur. Their mother runs the local boarding house. Their father is gone. The woman up the hill may or may not be a witch.

Thomas and Charles are brothers who’ve been exiled to the boarding house so Thomas can tame his ways and Charles can fight an illness that is killing him with increasing speed. Their family history is one of sorrow and guilt. They think they can escape from it . . . but they can’t.


Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1) - Susan Ee

I received this as a part of the goodie bag at the Glamour Book Club event I attended in London.

It’s been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. Street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.

Anything, including making a deal with an enemy angel.

Raffe is a warrior who lies broken and wingless on the street. After eons of fighting his own battles, he finds himself being rescued from a desperate situation by a half-starved teenage girl.

Traveling through a dark and twisted Northern California, they have only each other to rely on for survival. Together, they journey toward the angels’ stronghold in San Francisco where she’ll risk everything to rescue her sister and he’ll put himself at the mercy of his greatest enemies for the chance to be made whole again.


Dear Daughter - Elizabeth Little

This was also as a part of the goodie bag at the Glamour Book Club event.

‘As soon as they processed my release Noah and I hit the ground running. A change of clothes. A wig. An inconspicuous sedan. We doubled back once, twice, then drove south when we were really headed east. In San Francisco we had a girl who looked like me board a plane to Hawaii.

Oh, I thought I was so clever.

But you probably already know that I’m not.’

LA It girl Janie Jenkins has it all. The looks, the brains, the connections. The criminal record.

Ten years ago, in a trial that transfixed America, Janie was convicted of murdering her mother. Now she’s been released on a technicality she’s determined to unravel the mystery of her mother’s last words, words that send her to a tiny town in the very back of beyond. But with the whole of America’s media on her tail, convinced she’s literally got away with murder, she has to do everything she can to throw her pursuers off the scent.

She knows she really didn’t like her mother. Could she have killed her?


Dracula - Bram Stoker

This classic was also in the goodie bag from the Glamour Book Club event.

A young lawyer on an assignment finds himself imprisoned in a Transylvanian castle by his mysterious host. Back at home his fiancée and friends are menaced by a malevolent force which seems intent on imposing suffering and destruction. Can the devil really have arrived on England’s shores? And what is it that he hungers for so desperately?




The Coldest Girl in Coldtown - Holly Black

I purchased this one from Waterstones in London (I love these bookstores!).

Tana lives in a world where walled cities called Coldtowns exist. In them, quarantined monsters and humans mingle in a decadently bloody mix of predator and prey. The only problem is, once you pass through Coldtown’s gates, you can never leave.

One morning, after a perfectly ordinary party, Tana wakes up surrounded by corpses. The only other survivors of this massacre are her exasperatingly endearing ex-boyfriend, infected and on the edge, and a mysterious boy burdened with a terrible secret. Shaken and determined, Tana enters a race against the clock to save the three of them the only way she knows how: by going straight to the wicked, opulent heart of Coldtown itself.

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown is a wholly original story of rage and revenge, of guilt and horror, and of love and loathing from bestselling and acclaimed author Holly Black.


Eleanor & Park - Rainbow Rowell

I also purchased this one in London.

Two misfits.
One extraordinary love.

Eleanor… Red hair, wrong clothes. Standing behind him until he turns his head. Lying beside him until he wakes up. Making everyone else seem drabber and flatter and never good enough…Eleanor.

Park… He knows she’ll love a song before he plays it for her. He laughs at her jokes before she ever gets to the punch line. There’s a place on his chest, just below his throat, that makes her want to keep promises…Park.

Set over the course of one school year, this is the story of two star-crossed sixteen-year-olds—smart enough to know that first love almost never lasts, but brave and desperate enough to try.


Dangerous Creatures (Dangerous Creatures #1) - Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Thank you PenguinTeen Australia for a copy of this book!

A new series returns to the world of Beautiful Creatures. Some loves are cursed…others are dangerous.

Ridley Duchannes will be the first to tell you that she’s a bad girl. She’s Dark. She’s a Siren. You can never trust her, or even yourself when she’s around. Lucky for her, Wesley “Link” Lincoln can never seem to remember that; quarter Incubus or not, his heart is Mortal when it comes to Ridley. When Link heads to New York City to start a music career, Ridley goes along for the ride-and she has her own reasons. As if leaving small-town Gatlin for the big city, trying to form a band, and surviving life with a partially reformed Siren isn’t hard enough already, Link soon learns he has a price on his head that no Caster or Mortal can ever pay.

Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, the #1 New York Times bestselling coauthors of Beautiful Creatures, are back and casting another magical spell. Their signature mixture of mystery, suspense, and romance, along with a dash of fun and danger, will pull fans in and leave them begging for more.



That is all from us this week, what did you receive in your mailboxes? Let us know - leave your links in the comments section below!



What do you think?

  • Wow, what an amazing book haul! I received most of the same books from Bloomsbury as well, Sonia keeps adding to my TBR pile! :P I’m really looking forward to reading ‘Searching for Sky’, it sounds intriguing. :)

  • Awesome haul ladies, I really want to read Since You’ve Been Gone! Bookstores in London must have been sooo amazing.

  • I should’ve known not to try Angelfall when I’m not a fan of angels in books-guess it wasn’t a surprise not to like it! Hope you do better with it-happy reading!

  • I love Eleanor & Park!! Although, I wasn’t SUCH a big as fan as I thought I’d be. ;) I gave it a 4. And I did love Angelfall! Lots of angel sass there, tooootally worth the read. I’ve heard a bit about Year of the Rat and I think I’d like to read that one too!

    • Kristy says:

      4 is still a very acceptable book! I hope that I enjoy Eleanor & Park just as much :)
      I have already read Angelfall - and I agree it was worth the read - especially for the angel sass!
      Year of the Rat is getting some great reviews, so I hope to get to that one soon (soooo many books to read!)

  • Kelly says:

    That’s a HUGE haul. Just curious, is Blackbird an eARC? I applied, but got knocked back for it sadly. I’m such a fan of her Eve series. You know, you’re probably feeding and clothing the Taylor family with your purchases :D I’m the same way with TFioS, have four copies, need a fifth with the movie tie in.

    Ahh, London bookstores. Do they drink tea and discuss book bindings and stuff? I can imagine they’re far more sophisticated than strolling into a Dymocks :D

    • Kristy says:

      I have just checked with Melissa, and Blackbird was an eARC. I am sorry you didn’t get approved :(

      Ummm…. yes, it is possible that I am supporting the Taylor/Di Bartolo family - but I don’t mind one bit! It is worth every cent for me to have these books (the many, many editions of books). I have an issue with having to have a reading copy of a book if I have a signed copy of a book (I just cannot read a signed copy) - which doesn’t help when it comes to how many copies I have of the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series, and In The Shadows lol.

      I didn’t hear any conversations about book bindings, but it is highly possible lol. The ones that I went to weren’t more sophisticated as such, but they did have cafes within them, free wifi, and a massive selection of books! You honestly could spend hours upon hours in the stores! (and I did).

  • You guys have sooooo many amazing books between you! I’m reading After Eden at the moment (and loving it) and I recently read and adored Eleanor and Park. Seriously, believe the hype.

    • Kristy says:

      We are rather lucky, aren’t we? :)
      I am glad you enjoyed Eleanor and Park - I am “new” to Rainbow Rowell’s work, but I have high hopes that she will not disappoint me!

  • Wow, that’s a massive haul! So many interesting books on there. Searching for Sky sounds so intriguing! I’m also intrigued by Coldest Girl in Coldtown though that has very mixed reviews. I’m interested to see what you’ll make of it. Happy reading! (:

    • Kristy says:

      It is definitely one massive haul! But for me it was many weeks worth, so I guess you just don’t notice it as much when you tally it up on a weekly basis :) I won’t be reviewing Coldest Girl in Coldtown, as Melissa has, but I will let my thoughts be known via Twitter etc :)

  • Hafsah says:

    What a fabulous haul! DREAMS OF GODS AND MONSTERS was spectacular, and my sister loved SINCE YOU’VE BEEN GONE. Happy reading!

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