W..W..W.. Wednesdays

It’s Wednesday which means it’s time to tell you what we have been up to for the past week! W..W..W.. Wednesdays is a weekly meme bought to you by MizB from Should Be Reading.


What are you currently reading?

Melissa - Not currently reading any YA at the moment. I am trying to finish Dorothy Must Die but slumping. Currently reading X-Men: Days of Future Past with the movie release coming out soon.

Kristy - Ignite Me (Shatter Me #3) - Tahereh Mafi


What did you recently finish reading?

Melissa - I last finished reading issues 19-31 of Batgirl by Gail Simone and completely caught up to this comic series. Really enjoying it!

Kristy - In The Shadows by Kiersten White and Jim Di Bartolo, City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments #4) and City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments #5) by Cassandra Clare


What do you think you’ll read next?

Melissa - Probably Enmity by E.J. Andrews and Paper Towns by John Green. For non YA it’s Batman Volume 1 by Scott Snyder.

Kristy - No idea!



What is everyone out there reading at the moment, and more importantly is it a good read? Share your links below!

What do you think?

  • Renee says:

    I will continue my Lord of the Rings Trilogy read and go onto the Two Towers, but may, no scratch that, WILL have a break to read City of Heavenly Fire. 5 DAYS TO GO!!!!

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