Tagged! The Seven Deadly Bookish Sins

Thank you Kayla at The Thousand Lives for tagging me! Thankfully she decided to tag me in this one, and not her previous “My Most Owned Authors on My Auto-Buy List”, because we all know who would be on that list ;)
So, here we go, seven of my bookish sins.



What is your most inexpensive book?

I got both Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell and The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black for £2, as I had voucher to use at Waterstones after someone handed me a nearly full loyalty card.



What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

Laini Taylor? She didn’t give me absolutely everything I wanted in Dreams of Gods and Monsters… but, there is no hate there, I just live in hope that one day she will return to this world and give me everything I wanted :)

But I do have a love/hate relationship with Cassandra Clare. I love the world she has built, and the her ability to tie her series’ together in intricate ways, but I often find myself disappointed with the books (mainly storyline issues).



What book have you devoured over and over with no shame?

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. I know that you are all shocked by this confession!. This is my go to book whenever I want to get lost in a world. Or when I just want to visit Prague again. Or Brimstone. Or Zuz. Or when I just want to enjoy fantastic writing. Basically, I don’t really need a reason at all, I will happily pick it up at any time!



What book have you neglected due to laziness?

Oh, so many! Game of Thrones, Vampire Academy, The Lunar Chronicles, Something Strange and Deadly, Delirium, Graceling Realm. The list is really endless. So many books, so little time.



What book do you talk about in order to sound like an intellectual reader?

I make it a rule to never sound intellectual. I love books, and that is all there is to say :)



What attributes do you find attractive in male or female characters?

Sarcastic. I am really drawn to sarcastic characters. But other than that, I like characters that are honest, funny, genuine and intelligent.

When it comes to the boys, I like them mysterious - the dark and sexy type. When it comes to the girls, it’s more about what I don’t like - whiney, damsel in distress types, and I really dislike the dependant type… you know, the ones that can’t do their own shoelaces without a guys approval.



What book would you most like to receive as a gift?

Oh, there are so many. Anything on my wishlist would be great. But, other than that, I would have to go with the obvious answer of any special edition of any Laini Taylor book (but so far, I have managed to get hold of everything - I think).


And now for the tagging!

I’m going to go world-wide, with my choices being spread across the globe. So, I tag Cait @ Notebook Sisters, Rinn @ Rinn Reads, and Dre @ Sporadic Reads World. Tell us your sins ladies :)



What do you think?

  • oooh, THANK YOU for the tag!! I’ll have to see if I can squeeze this in because honestly that’s a fabulous idea for a tag. x) I’m agree without you on sarcastic characters. Why are they just so dang awesome?! I always love the dark dangerous sexy guys too, especially if it’s a triangle, that’s who I’m rooting for. I probably would go for Maggie Stiefvater’s books as the answer for “gluttony”. Hehe. I just finished rereading Shiver JUST BECAUSE. I love those books so much.

    • Kristy says:

      You are most welcome Cait! Hmmm, sarcastic, dark, dangerous sey guys… well, Sinner would have been perfect for you! (characters like Cole, and written by Maggie, that’s a winning combination!). I can’t wait to see your post when you find time to fit it in :)

  • Greed: Ooooh and I thought my books were pretty good deals!
    Wrath: Mmmhmm totally agree about Clare. It’s too angsty, but I love the Shadowhunter stuff.
    Gluttony: I AM SO SURPRISED
    Sloth: Oh my god Kristy O_O You need to read the Lunar Chronicles! Cinder not so much, but Scarlet and Cress are just… *melts*
    Lust: *singing* STUURRRMHONDDDDD

    • Kristy says:

      :) I shocked you with gluttony, didn’t I? lol.
      Oh yes…. you are totally right with Sturmhond! He is definitely my type of character - I instantly fell for him :)
      I know, I know, I will get on to the Lunar Chronicles soon - I have them sitting on my shelf glaring at me.

  • Leigh says:

    I heard Laini Taylor is such an amazing author…I don’t know why I still haven’t read her books! I think for Gluttony, mine would have to be Across the Universe by Beth Revis. That book is just asdfghjkl; amazing!!!

    • Kristy says:

      Oh Leigh, are you trying to make me cry? Well, I suppose we are even, since I haven’t rad Across the Universe (I will put it on my TBR list now)

  • Asti says:

    I was shocked when I saw Laini Taylor’s name come up under the love/hate bit. WHAT?! haha. But I’m glad to see you clarified. Not really hate, just want more.

    And, of course, can’t be surprised that her name almost made an appearance for every other one of your bookish sins as well. Tsk tsk, Kristy. You need rehab ;)

    • Kristy says:

      Ha ha ha, I am glad that I shocked you, even if it was only for half a second :) And yes I do, but sadly, I am now in rehab - I was forced into it, since there are no new books coming out in the near future :(

  • […] Kristy at Book Nerd Reviews talked about her Seven Deadly Bookish Sins […]

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