Celebrate Australian Authors

Happy Australia Day everyone!!!! Not only is it a day to celebrate the our pretty amazing country, but also to celebrate what it contains - which includes fabulous authors. And why should we just celebrate all things Aussie on one day only? We shouldn’t - especially our authors! So here is a (incomplete) list of Aussie books being released in 2015.



Faking It (The Intern, #2) by Gabrielle Tozer



A Small Madness by Dianne Touchell

Avery (The Chronicles of Kaya #1) by Charlotte McConaghy



Every Move (Every, #3) by Ellie Marney

The Last Place (The Last Trilogy #3) by Michael Adams



The Guy, the Girl, the Artist and His Ex by Gabrielle Williams



Pieces of Sky by Trinity Doyle



Risk by Fleur Ferris



Stray (Spark, #2) by Rachael Craw



Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1) by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff



Untitled (Starbound, #3) by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner


Unconfirmed (whhhhyyyy don’t we have dates yet?):

Fall (Twinmaker #3) by Sean Williams


As I said, this list is incomplete, and dates have not been confirmed on all of these books. And there are plenty more that I haven’t listed, either because I haven’t noted them down as yet, or yet to hear about them. But never fear, there are always some great Aussie titles coming out, so keep your eyes out :)


If you know of any great Aussie books being released in 2015, please tell us in the comments below

















What do you think?

  • I love this post! I’ve been wanting to keep up with Aussie authors. I never seem to read enough of them and I think it’s so important that we support them. Happy Australia Day!
    Laura Plus Books recently posted…Book Review: You by Caroline KepnesMy Profile

  • Cassie says:

    The third book in The Tribe series, The Foretelling of Georgie Spider, is coming out in August!
    The first book is The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf, and it’s amazing!!

    Thanks for the list :)
    Cassie recently posted…Beautiful People: Author EditionMy Profile

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