Stacking the Shelves #97


Hi everyone! Another week has passed so it time once again for Stacking the Shelves and to tell you those I have added to my shelves recently.

Stacking the Shelves is what we have added to our bookshelves in couple of weeks. Stacking the Shelves is bought to you by Tynga from Tynga’s Reviews. Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!


In Kristy’s mailbox:

The Winner’s Crime (The Winner’s Trilogy #2) by Marie Rutkoski

Thanks to wonderful Bloomsbury for sending me this ever-so-pretty book!!!

Lady Kestrel’s engagement to Valoria’s crown prince calls for great celebration: balls and performances, fireworks and revelry. But to Kestrel it means a cage of her own making. Embedded in the imperial court as a spy, she lives and breathes deceit and cannot confide in the one person she really longs to trust …

While Arin fights to keep his country’s freedom from the hands of his enemy, he suspects that Kestrel knows more than she shows. As Kestrel comes closer to uncovering a shocking secret, it might not be a dagger in the dark that cuts him open, but the truth.

Lies will come undone, and Kestrel and Arin learn just how much their crimes will cost them in this second book in the breathtaking Winner’strilogy.


The Intern (The Intern, #1) by Gabrielle Tozer

I received this book from one of my friends, who kindly gave me her spare copy so that I didn’t have to read my signed copy (I don’t read signed copies of books, I am too scared I will damage it).

Josie Browning dreams of having it all.

A stellar academic record, an amazing career in journalism - and for her current crush to realise she actually exists. The only problem? Josie can’t get through twenty-four hours without embarrassing her sister Kat or her best friend Angel, let alone herself.

Josie’s luck changes though when she lands an internship at the glossy fashion magazine Sash. A coveted columnist job is up for grabs, but Josie’s got some tough competition in the form of two other interns. Battle lines are drawn and Josie quickly learns that the magazine industry is far from easy, especially under the reign of powerful editor, Rae Swanson.

From the lows of coffee-fetching and working 10-hour days, to the highs of mingling with celebrities, scoring endless free beauty products (plus falling for her cousin’s seriously gorgeous flatmate James) this is one year Josie will never forget.

Totally fresh and funny, this debut novel from industry insider Gabrielle Tozer reveals just what is behind the seeming glamour and sparkle of the magazine industry.



That is all from us this week, what did you receive in your mailboxes? Let us know - leave your links in the comments section below!

What do you think?

  • CJ Listro says:

    The Winner’s Crime is so gorgeous. I haven’t read the first yet, but it’s on my to do list. For now, I just like to ogle the pretty covers.

    CJ Listro recently posted…Review: Exquisite Captive by Heather DemetriosMy Profile

  • Renee says:

    I am actually really liking The Winner’s Crime cover, it’s so original! No one EVER shoots from that angle and I love the bright colours on both editions and it’s just….I LOVE IT!!! (and the sword that goes through the title?? Oh so lovely!)
    Enjoy the reading girls!!!!
    Renee recently posted…PhotoMy Profile

  • The cover for The Winner’s Crime is so pretty! I shall get my hands soon on those books.
    Leigh @ Little Book Star recently posted…February 2015 Wrap UpMy Profile

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