Book Tag: The Book Cake Tag

I’ve been tagged for the The Cake Book Tag by the lovely Eugenia at Genie in a Book.

And while you can’t eat them, I found the following books to be as delicious as any cake :)

I present to you… The Book Cake Tag!


A book that was a little slow to start off but really picked up as it went along

This one is a little slow to start with, but once it gets going, it is full steam ahead to a mind-blowing ending.



A book that had a rich, great plot

This certainly has a rich, great plot! The Winner’s Curse is beautiful, engaging, suspenseful and brilliantly written.



A book you thought was going to be bad but actually turned out quite enjoyable

This is trick question, I don’t read books that I think will be bad, but I didn’t know about this book before I received a copy, so I took a chance on it. And this book is incredible, beautiful, painful, torturous and simply breath-taking!



A sugary, sweet cube

Okay, I am cheating by nominating a novella, but Night of Cake and Puppets is ridiculously sweet!



A book that covered every single element that you enjoy about a book (funny moments, action moments, sad moments etc.)

You all knew that Daughter of Smoke and Bone would be my icing (at the very least). It is beautiful and sweet, and filled with everything that I love - fantasy, great characters, complex plot, amazing writing… and Prague!



A book series that you can kind of turn back to for a little pick me up when you’re feeling down.

This is a little bit of a trick question too, as I don’t re-read many series. And the main one that I do, I have already used. But next up would be Harry Potter! (although sometimes I cheat and watch the movies instead).



Your favourite book this year so far

I was a little scared about starting another Sarah J. Maas series, however I adored this fae filled retelling of Beauty and the Beast!


Now I am tagging:

Kelly from Diva Booknerd

Gina from Behind the Pages

Jaz from Fiction in Fiction in Fiction

Jeann from Happy Indulgence


What do you think?

  • Marianna says:

    This is such a cute tag! Daughter of Smoke and Bone has been on my TBR for a while. I see so many people raving about this book series—I really should start it soon :)
    Marianna recently posted…4 Book-to-Screen Adaptations I’m Worried AboutMy Profile

  • Fantastic choices Kristy! We Were Liars, The Winner’s Curse and All The Bright Places all fit those descriptions perfectly. I’ve been hearing such promising things about ACOTAR, I can’t wait to start it soon :)
    Eugenia @ Genie In A Book recently posted…Genie’s Weekly News (27)My Profile

  • Angelica says:

    This was such a cute idea, loved it! Also completely agree with Harry Potter being the sprinkles! I’ve now also added A Court of Thorns and Roses and The Winner’s Curse to my TBR list. Loved the one line summaries for each book :)

    Angelica x

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