W..W..W.. Wednesdays

Hi everyone! I haven’t updated you recently on my reading activities. Although it hasn’t been as much as I would have wanted, it is time for me to tell you what I have been up to :)

W..W..W.. Wednesdays is a weekly meme bought to you by MizB from Should Be Reading.

What are you currently reading?

Night Owls by Jenn Bennett. I am trying to read some books during the week to catch up on my review copies, and this looks like the perfect choice due to it being only 272 pages.


What did you recently finish reading?

The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness.


What do you think you’ll read next?

Probably The House of Shattered Wings by by Aliette de Bodard or Lair of Dreams (The Diviners #2) by Libba Bray.


What is everyone out there reading at the moment, and more importantly is it a good read? Share your links below!

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