Brilliant Bookish Blogs

With the endless amount of amazing bookish peeps around we are never short on finding fantastic blogs to follow. And thanks to all the social media platforms available, the options are endless for booklovers to share their love with the world . These people who dedicate their time in showing their love for books come in the form of book bloggers, booktubers, bookstagramers, tweeters, tumblrers, facebookers - and the list goes on.

Due to all the amazing bookish options, I thought I would share with you some of my favourite bloggers. This will include book bloggers, booktubers, bookstagramers from all over the world. I am not restricting my love for bookish blogs to any particular medium - and neither should you! There are so many great bookish accounts out there.

In this week’s Brilliant Bookish Blogs feature - I bring to you…..

Behind the Pages!



Who is it? Behind the Pages

What is it? Blog

Who is behind the blog? Gina

Where can I find them? Website | Twitter | Facebook | Bloglovin | Instagram


A bit about the blog:

Behind the Pages is one of my favourite blogs, run by one of my favourite Aussie bloggers, Gina. She is my little rabid fairy, and she is also one of the Sarah J Maas’ Thirteen! You will find amazing reviews, blog tours and something very exciting (see below).


What’s so great about it?

Besides the fantastic reviews you will find at Behind the Pages, this is the place to visit for those who love all things bookish. Gina is a fantastic digital artist, and she shares amazing bookmarks and wallpapers!

These beautiful bookmarks and wallpapers are of some of your favourite books and covers - they are gorgeous!! And best of all, Gina allows you to download these for free! Yes, FOR FREE!!!! All you need to do to get a great wallpaper of your favourite book is download the image and save it! And you can also get fantastic bookmarks by downloading them and printing them out!

Gina’s skills constantly astound me as she continually designs wallpapers and bookmarks that I adore!


Who is it recommended to?

Anyone who loves YA books! Especially those who love quality bookmarks or wallpapers to use on their own PC or to put into their beautiful books. Oh, and of course anyone who loves the Throne of Glass series!!!



Do you love Behind the Pages just as much as I do?

Do you have any favourite blogs? Tell me who they are!




*Note; Logos and some info has been taken from the bloggers site. I didn’t ask permission before doing it, as I wanted to surprise them with a post that dedicates my love to them. If you are one of the bloggers who I have featured and you are not happy with me borrowing your logo, I apologise - and please let me know and I will remove it immediately!

What do you think?

  • I only started talking to Gina on twitter recently and she is so beautiful! Both her blog and her awesome self are amazing :D Glad you featured her <3
    Aentee @ Read at Midnight recently posted…Book Review: A Thousand Pieces Of YouMy Profile

  • Yay Gina!! I LOVE Behind the Pages, especially the girl that runs it. I’ve met up with Gina a few times now over the years at blogger events, and she’s just the loveliest person out. Plus her bookmark designs are GOREGEOUS <3
    Joy @ Thoughts By J recently posted…Welcome back to Scion: No safer place — The Mime Order paperback releaseMy Profile

  • annie says:

    i hadn’t heard of gina’s blog before so thank you for introducing me to it! as a huge fan of the throne of glass series and cute bookmarks + wallpapers, it sounds like behind the pages is a perfect fit for me! thank you so much for sharing! i’m still in love with this feature. what a good idea!
    annie recently posted…Some Books I Did Like + My Thoughts On ThemMy Profile

  • […] signed bookmarks from Gina at Behind the Pages! Do you know how awesome she is? No, go see my Brilliant Bookish Blogs […]

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