Who is your favourite author?


Hi everyone. I have been rather absent the last few weeks, so the other day I posted a question on Twitter to have a chat with some of you, and to pose a really difficult question - in hopes of getting to know you a little better and get some new book recommendations.

So why was this such a hard question? Well, the question was to tell me your absolute all-time favourite author! Only one. No more.

Yes, I know I am evil, and I was told several times that I am a horrible person for asking such a question! Whereas, some people didn’t even have to think about the answer - and that is because those people have found “the one”.

For those who haven’t found “the one”, this is a really horrible question, as it is likely you have many favourites, all for various reasons. I was definitely like this until I found “the one” - and for me, of course this is Laini Taylor.

So, whether this was a difficult question or not, I got some really interesting answers. And surprisingly I got a lot of answers naming authors that I have not read yet! This is one of the things I love about the bookish community, sharing your love for books - so I thought I would share with you the answers I received, in hopes that you too will find “the one” (or at the very least, some amazing books/authors).

Here are the responses to the “tell me your absolute all-time favourite author” question:


Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Although she thought I was a terrible person for asking this question, as she has favourites for different situations, @theresaninkspot’s all-time fave is Antoine de Saint-Exupery.


Becky Chambers

@kynndean’s new favourite is Becky Chambers. I her own words, “Her debut affected my feels like no other book before it”.


Rachel Caine

@happyindulgence and @A_SunnySpot both listed Rachel Caine as their all-time fave. @happyindulgence loves her adult urban fantasy titles, while @A_SunnySpot is a huge fan of the Morganville Vampires series.


Tamora Pierce

‏@joysofbookworms named Tamora Pierce as her fave, and suggested to start with her Tortallian series (which she described as “fantasy, magic, royalty, knights, dragons, etc”).


Sarah J. Maas

@pixelski picked my second fave author, Sarah J Maas. @LaraTheReader also named Sarah J. Maas as one of her favourites (she cheated and named two lol).


Jessica Shirvington

Then @pixelski named Jessica Shirvington as her second favourite author - this came out during a further discussion, and not the initial question, so therefore I allowed it ;)


Sara Douglass

@nicolehasread named up Sara Douglass as her favourite author.Although a fan of all of her work, @nicolehasread said that the Axis Trilogy and Wayfarer Redemption were her favourites.


Juliet Marillier

Although it was a mean question, @Dailyprophecy named Juliet Marillier as her favourite. She suggests to start with Daughter of the Forest.


Douglas Adams

@notjacquident said that Douglas Adams was her favourite “by a mile”. Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency is her favourite book in the world.


Maggie Stiefvater

@PaperFury, @sydneyny_ and @bayy_245 named Maggie Stiefvater as their favourite author. @PaperFury said she isn’t even hesitate or deliberate in naming amazing author as her favourite.


Victoria Schwab

@chasingfaes said that Victoria Schwab is her hands down favourite.


Patrick Ness

@abookishheart said that Patrick Ness is her favourite of favourites.


Ally Carter

@KeelyC_’s favourite author is Ally Carter.


H.G. Wells

@Brianna_daSilva said that H.G. Wells is her favourite, and although no longer with us, that his writing lives on so he’s kind of immortal.


Andrew Smith

@braidenasciak said that Andrew Smith is his favourite, naming Winger, StandOff, Grasshopper Jungle, 100 Sideways Miles, Stick, In the Path of Falling Objects as some of his favourite titles.


Tahereh Mafi

@divabooknerd said that her favourite author is Tahereh Mafi, “hands down”.


Lisa Kleypas

@lilradrad said she has been a fan of Lisa Kleypas’ for 17 years and counting.


Catherynne Valente

@readatmidnight’s favourite is Catherynne Valente.


Rick Riordan

@carliMAREE and @PrincessicaOB said that Rick Riordan is their favourite author.


Penny Reid

‏@thefilipinabn said that Penny Reid is her favourite forever.


J.K. Rowling

Although she cheated and named two authors, @LaraTheReader named J.K. Rowling as her favourite (well, one of). But I will allow this as an answer, because, you know, it’s J.K. Rowling!


Bentley Little

@happyendingblog said that Bentley Little is her all-time favourite, saying his writing is “downright scary and I absolutely love it, like The Store and The Association“.



So overall, a varied list of favourite authors! And I will admit, a lot that I haven’t read. So that means I will now be adding a lot of books to by TBR pile :)


Who is your all-time favourite author? Tell us in the comments below!


What do you think?

  • My all-time favorite author is also Tamora Pierce. I started reading her when I was in middle school and she is still publishing books (though a bit slower than I would like). I also would recommend starting with the Tortall books, specifically the Song of the Lioness quartet!
    Jordin @ A Bottomless Book Bag recently posted…Mediator (Re)read Along: Ninth Key Kick-OffMy Profile

  • Nicole says:

    This ended up being a really varied list. And I totally missed this post at the time!
    Nicole recently posted…Night Study by Maria V. SnyderMy Profile

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