Instant Lookback

Hi everyone! Welcome to the another edition of Instant Lookback! This is where I show you the bookish pictures I have shared over on Instagram. I may post all my pictures, I may only post a few… so if you don’t want to miss out on any, come follow me over at Instagram @ kristy_book_nerd!

It has been a couple of weeks since my last post, life has been wayyyy to busy lately, but I have been posting pictures of bookish goodness on Instagram. Actually, a fair few, so this will be a pretty big edition of Instant Lookback (PS: It includes Sarah J Maas, you will want to check it out!).

Instant Lookback is a weekly meme bought to you by Brett Michael Orr.


I shared new books:

Thank you @dateabook for this book, and this ever so lovely gift!! ❤️ #bookmail #bookstagram #booknerd

A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on

Thank you to @simonschusterau and #AusYABloggers for a finished copy of this lovely book!! The outside is just as gorgeous as the words inside!! A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on

Thank you to ever so lovely @tonilehelena for getting me a signed copy of #Illuminae!! And a bookmark!! You are the bestest!! ❤️

A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on

Thank you @scholastic_au for this ever so beautiful surprise book mail!!! #bookmail #booknerd #bookstagram A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on

Thank you for this lovely surprise #bookmail @macmillanaus ! I love the sound of “adorable romance” ☺️️ #bookstagram #booknerd

A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on

My $2 bargain! I love books, but it’s even better when they are so cheap ☺️️ #booknerd #bookstagram #booknerdigans A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on


I also have shared some amazing bookmarks:

My friends got me this beautiful bookmark from their trip over the way to the gorgeous New Zealand ❤️ #bookmark A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on


I showed you the beautiful printed copy of Black Room:

Thank you to the lovely @speconspecfic for getting me this copy of Black Room! #sparkarmy #booknerd #booknerdigans A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on


I also showed you an amazing blank library, and the very deep message behind the blank pages:

The best modern art gallery in the world, MONA, has a blank library - with a very deep message #bookstagram #booknerd #booknerdigans

A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on


And last, but definitely not least, I shared my experience of the Sarah J Maas event in Melbourne:

Sarah J Maas is sooooo lovely!! It was amazing to meet this wonderful author this evening ☺️️

A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on



What do you think of my bookish pics? Any favourites? Let me know!

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