Strange the Dreamer Samplers - 10 Things I Learnt


OMG! I have been ridiculously spoiled by certain someones, and I now have my little Laini Taylor obsessed hands on both the UK and US Strange the Dreamer samplers!!!

Now I don’t normally read samplers, because I find that they are nothing but dirty teases - but of course I was going to read these… and this is what I learnt.

1. Samplers are dirty little teases!

They are horrible little things that suck you into a world and make you make you want more, then they throw you away! They know you want more, but they just look at you with their tongue sticking out, taunting you endlessly.They are evil little creatures who thrive on the tease factor. Yes, even Strange the Dreamer samplers are little teases, actually, they are probably even worse than other ones!

2. The US and UK really are different

Besides the obvious, the US and UK are different when it comes to these samplers. The most obvious difference is the cover - the samplers have the cover that each country will have for the book. Secondly is that the US sampler that was given out at BEA comes with 5 amazing Strange the Dreamer buttons! And then there is point number 3.

3. Size does matter!

Well, not really, I would read a five word dot point list of Laini’s and probably love it. But I am a greedy little bugger, and the more I can get, the better! And this is where the US wins. Yes, the US sampler is bigger! In fact, it is approx 120 pages whereas the UK one is approx 60 pages.

4. Same but different - the US loves to supersize

Both samplers have chapters from “Part 1″ and “Part 2″ of the book, but naturally at approx 120 pages, there is just more in the US sampler (from Part 1). I will never again complain about US supersizing!

5. The aftermath of a war between gods and men

Both samplers provide you with two perspectives. Two different story-lines with two different protagonists. which I am sure will collide at some point, but not within the samplers.

6. Love and carnage

Within 120 pages, Laini made me love and hate characters! Seriously, I already love Lazlo, I hate Thyon and I am intrigued by lots of characters, especially Sarai.

7. Alchemy and blood candy

I already love this world! I am intrigued by disappearing names, a boy who loves books, a girl who screams darkness and the mysterious city that is all but forgotten.

8. Laini delivers

The writing - OMG, the writing!!!! It is everything I expected: lyrical and magical, mesmerising and enthralling. Such wonderful prose and breathtaking imagination within these few pages.

9. Libraries

a young librarian with a singular dream” - seriously, I don’t need to say more here, do I?

10. Welcome to the Weep

The weeping comes at the end of the sampler. I refer back to my first point - they are horrible teases. They make you love them but they hold back, they don’t give you what you need, then they ditch your ass leaving you wanting more. I was already desperate for this book, and this little taster has just made me want it even more! The wait is painful: there is sadness, tears and tissues - the weep was always inevitable.




I NEED THIS BOOK NOW! The samplers have proven that this book is going to be everything I wanted and more!

There is a lot of debate on the covers, some love the US, while others prefer the UK cover. Me, personally, I am leaning towards the US cover, But I would really love to know if there is going to be any form of pretties to either cover, shimmery or foil aspects to it etc, I guess we will have to wait and see, but I think the true beauty of this book is going to be the inside!

And did I mention that I NEED THIS BOOK NOW????!!!!!!


Just look how pretty they are!

Which is your favourite cover?


I really need to that thank those wonderful people who made these samplers a reality for me! Daphne from Winged Reviews and Illumicrate, Lauren from Shooting Star Mag and Kelly from Diva BookNerd,

Thank you ladies from the bottom of my heart, You have no idea how much your generosity and general loveliness means to me!


What do you think?

  • Tasya says:

    I NEED THIS BOOK NOW. Omg those samplers really make me can’t wait! It just sounds like a really amazing books!
    Tasya recently posted…Book Review: The Game of Love and Death by Martha BrockenbroughMy Profile

    • Kristy says:

      I cannot wait for the book! I am SURE it will be totally amazing! Laini’s beautiful writing and world-building is already evident in the samplers.

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