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On the side, when I am not reading or reviewing books, I like to work on my side project which is t-shirt designs. I am nothing special when it comes to designs, but that being said I design shirts that are book related and because they are hard to come across, they have been exceptionally popular so I thought I would share!

Currently my shirts are focused on The Hunger Games but there are current plans to expand this to other books and series. This is where you come in, because I would love to know what YOU would love to see on a shirt? Now keeping in mind I am terrible at drawing so keep it font based. I am good with words and fonts so if you have any requests let me know in the comments below!

To go to my current merchandise, click HERE. I have other ranges non book specific also if you choose to look!

Some samples below - keep in mind there is numerous t-shirt styles (baby doll is the one featured though), and YOU choose what colour shirt you like. The ones I have selected are the ones I feel look best, but if you don’t like them you can change the colour! All of these designs can be ordered as a sticker too.

More designs to come, and more BOOKS featured soon! Any ideas? Let me know below and I’ll do my best to make it happen for you!

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