Perfect Match - Jodi Picoult

Synopsis: What does it mean to be a good mother?
How far would you go in the name of love — and justice?

In the course of her everyday work, career-driven assistant district attorney Nina Frost prosecutes child molesters and works determinedly to ensure that a legal system with too many loopholes keeps these criminals behind bars. But when her own five-year-old son, Nathaniel, is traumatized by a sexual assault, Nina and her husband, Caleb, a quiet and methodical stone mason, are shattered, ripped apart by an enraging sense of helplessness in the face of a futile justice system that Nina knows all too well. In a heartbeat, Nina’s absolute truths and convictions are turned upside down, and she hurtles toward a plan to exact her own justice for her son — no matter the consequence, whatever the sacrifice.

Review: Perfect Match was one of Picoult’s earlier works. Like in many of her books, she writes from the perspectives of a number of the character and flips between these throughout the book. One thing I like about her newer books is that each chapter states which perspective it’s written from, but this book didn’t do that which was a bit hard to follow at times. One paragraph would be in the perspective of Nina’s 5 year old son Nathaniel and then next thing you know it’s back to Nina’s perspective or her husband Caleb’s without announcement. That was actually pretty much the ONLY thing I didn’t like about the book.

The rest of it was pretty outstanding really. Like all of Jodi Picoult’s books it starts off with a situation and ends up in a court room drama, however this one was probably more based in the court rooms than any of her other books that I have read. Probably because the main character Nina is a prosecutor herself, who ends up finding herself in court on a charge of murder.

I really enjoy that these books force you to think about issues in shades of grey instead of black and white which is how most of us tend to think about things we are passionate about. Picoult humanises these situations and makes you think “what if this was me?” which honestly, not many other authors have done to me before. Probably why I just can’t get enough of her books!

Highly, strongly recommend this book as a read. That being said, I strongly recommend ANY of her books to read. But this one was definitely one of her good works.

Rating: 5 out of 5

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