In My Mailbox #3

Before we get into my mailbox, just a reminder to you all that my first giveaway is finishing in 2 days and so if you haven’t entered, you should probably do this now! Click the competitions tab to be taken to the current book giveaway!

And now… another In My Mailbox bought to you by The Story Siren!

This week the following books were all purchases I made – some ebooks from and some printed books from Book Depository that arrived this week – yay! Still awaiting on quite a lot of books from there so I am expecting next week’s IMM to be big

But I Love Him by Amanda Grace
Published by Flux Books – Ebook version
I bought this last night… and read it already. It was one of those books that while the book’s themes were not easy to digest, the book itself was. It is such an important story and I am glad books like this exist in the YA world because the difference with this book is you can see how easy it is to
get caught in a relationship like this. You can’t always see the signs to start off with. Review of this is coming either today or tomorrow.
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
Published by Scholastic Press – Ebook version
This book just looks like a fun read. The first time I saw this I thought the cover itself
was intriguing and interesting enough to want to read the book just based on that. But the story itself sounds fantastic… really looking forward to getting stuck into this book!
Across The Universe by Beth Revis
Published by Penguin Group – Ebook versionThis was recommended to me due to my love for dystopian novels. My cover is actually
different to this one, but I couldn’t find a decent sized image of the one I have. All I know is that the group of boys live at The Glade an encampment at the centre of a bizarre and terrible maze and they are
chased by monsters… it sounds thrilling!

Corsets & Clockwork by Trisha Telep (editor) and various authors
Published by Constable & Robinson – Ebook version
I am yet to read any Steampunk novels, and I know that they are really starting to make an imprint on the YA community, so I thought this might be a good introduction for me to understand what it’s all about with 14 Steampunk romances. Fingers crossed!
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride
Published by Penguin Group – Ebook version
I had heard about this book a while ago and I’ve heard only positive reviews for it. I realise it’s kinda an older release now, but I got a pretty good deal on this from Kobo books, so I thought I would try this and see what it was like. The cover itself looks pretty badass!
Delirium by Laren Oliver
Published by Harper Teen – 441 Pages
I read this the same day it arrived, the review is already up! It was just SO good, every page beckoned you to read more and more and before I knew it, I was finished. It is the first page in the Delirium trilogy and I am VERY much looking forward to the next one to be released, early 2012!
The Forest of Hands & Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Published by Orion Books – 310 Pages
I have been told by so many people that if I love dystopian books, to give this series by Carrie Ryan a try. And so I am plan on doing just that! I have ordered all three in the series, but only two have arrived so far this week (I am hoping the third one will arrive next week). I am going to bump this up on my TBR list I am pretty sure.. it looks
The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
Published by Orion Books – 407 Pages
The second book in the Forest Of Hands & Teeth series. I have bought all my covers to match, so they are the sandy looking ones. Hopefully I will get into these shortly!

What’s in your mailbox? Let me know!

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