
Hey readers, I apologise for the lack of updates today… I have been updating everyday to make sure there’s always something fresh to see!

I’ve spent the night in hospital unfortunately. My boyfriend isn’t well and so he is being looked after by the lovely folks at the hospital, but it has been a stressful day and I am currently updating from his house so I can’t post anything tonight anyways. He is expected to be fine but is in overnight for observation so first thing tomorrow I will be back there by his side.

Tomorrow I should have two reviews for you all as well as W..W..W.. Wednesdays. ;)

What do you think?

  • Kristin says:

    Oh no! I hope everything is fine and it is an easy night for him. Take care of what you have to.

    • Melissa says:

      Thanks so much Kristen. He’s in for the next 3 days so whilst longterm he will be fine, he is having lots of tests right now which aren’t fun.

  • karen says:

    Wishing him a speedy recovery

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