Harry Potter delivery!

So some of you may remember last week when I shamefully admitted to not having really read the Harry Potter series. Recap for those who may have missed it:

Harry Potter – JK Rowling – *hangs head in shame* Oh I know you are all hating on me right now! lol I just bought a paperback box set of them off Book Depository which should arrive….. any.day.now. And I really have no good reason as to why I haven’t read this series yet. Actually, the reason if I am honest is that some of the Potter fans out there that are really extreme (you all know them… or ARE them! lol) have put me off it. I hate fanaticism on most levels, Twilight included, although I liked those books. I actually know I will love the books cause the movies rocked. And I promise I’ll get to these immediately.

So true to my promise…. tonight I received the MAGIFICENT, absolutely beautiful box set… (well really, it’s a chest, since the top of it lifts open to reveal the books) of all 7 books:


I am going to do my very best to start reading these on top of the books I am currently reading and I am going to be doing reviews on them. I feel as though I have no right to call myself a book reviewer without a review of the most popular YA/Childrens book series ever!

After that, I am actually keen on re-reading for reviewing purposes Twilight as I have the hardcover box set of these too and it’s been a few years since I read them so I would like to start fresh on those and post a review as well. So keep your eyes posted!

What do you think?

  • Lindsay says:

    That looks like an AMAZING box set! My husband has all the books but if he didn’t, I would be snapping it up as well!!

    Just a quick question - you didn’t have a ‘Know Your Book Blogger’ question this week?!?! Are you not continuing with it?

  • April X says:

    Ooh the box set is so pretty! Thinking about getting one like it since I only own the 7th book :( I hope you enjoy them! I definitely need to reread HP sometime soon :)

  • Gabriella says:

    I can’t believe you havn’t read Hp! I absolutely love them! But I completely get you with the whole fanatics putting you off. I liked Twilight as well at the time I read it and then when it was announced there would be a movie I started to see all these people going around with their head stuck in the very first book.. A few days later everyone is shouting how they are Twilights biggest fan.. very annoying, and most of those people have only ever read the Twilight books, they don’t acutally go on to read other books, so now I don’t really mention Twilight in public…sorry about the rant, its a sore subject. But have fun with Harry!

    • Melissa says:

      haha I am the same.. I never mention Twilight in public for fear of being called a Twihard.

      Oh I know, I really should be punished for not reading Harry Potter. I think the benefit for me reading them now though is a lot of that initial hype is gone. The books are ALL published so there’s no waiting either. I am just going to enjoy them at my own pace!

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