Five Books I Absolutely Had to Have But Still Haven’t Read
So I thought this would be fun.. something a little different for me! Simple question, but some serious thought behind it!
Counting down from 5 to 1…
5. The Forest of Teeth & Hands series - Carrie Ryan - This has been bumped on my TBR list and I just need to get into it. I have heard great things about this whole series and I want to know more. But the only way is to READ! Sigh… can I clone myself? lol
4. Across The Universe - Beth Revis - I bought it on ebook AND paperback thinking for sure I would read this. And I know I will eventually, but it just has not topped my TBR pile.
3. The Passage - Justin Cronin - I was so excited when I bought this. It sounded so creepy and gripping and amazing. And I started it and it was good, but got sidetracked with another book and never returned. I need to read this book!
2. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Steig Larsson - It’s a book that sounds SO interesting and the movie was fantastic, but just cannot find the urgency to read this. I know I should. I have heard it’s great.
1. Harry Potter - JK Rowling - all of them. *hangs head in shame* Oh I know you are all hating on me right now! lol I just bought a paperback box set of them off Book Depository which should arrive….. And I really have no good reason as to why I haven’t read this series yet. Actually, the reason if I am honest is that some of the Potter fans out there that are really extreme (you all know them… or ARE them! lol) have put me off it. I hate fanaticism on most levels, Twilight included, although I liked those books. I actually know I will love the books cause the movies rocked. And I promise I’ll get to these immediately.
So this is my list! It’s out there. What about you guys? What have you bought as a priority but just not got around to yet?
What do you think?