W..W..W.. Wednesdays

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?

As always I am reading more than one book! Currently reading the following:

  • The Knife of Never Letting Go - Patrick Ness
  • Forbidden - Tabitha Suzuma
  • Spellbound - Cara Lynn Shultz

• What did you recently finish reading?

Beauty Queens by Libba Bray

• What do you think you’ll read next?

On my TBR list next are the following:

  • Uglies - Scott Westerfeld
  • The Ask & The Answer - Patrick Ness
  • City of Glass - Cassandra Clare
  • Sometimes It Happens - Laren Barnholdt


What do you think?

  • Kwee Lewis says:

    Someone else told me “City of Glass” is good. I am looking forward to whether or not you like it.

  • Kati R says:

    I’ve had Beauty Queens on my wish list for a while. I enjoyed Uglies and City of Glass. Hope you will too.

    Here’s my WWW Wednesday

  • Shirley says:

    I’d like to read City of Glass too. How did you enjoy Beauty Queens?

    Won’t you stop by to read my WWW at My Bookshelf?

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