Cover Love #2

Melissa from I Swim For Oceans has started a fantastic Friday Meme (I do mine on a Monday!) to show off some of the prettiest book covers around!


Title: Pretty Dead
Author: Francesca Lia Block
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publish Date: September 10, 2009
Genre: YA, Paranormal
Why I Have Cover Lust: Yet to read this book, but I ABSOLUTELY love the cover on this one! It’s sexy, cheeky, playful but also has a hint of intrigue with the sharp vampire like teeth on the cover! It makes me want to read it - so it’s made my list for this weeks cover love!

What do you think?

  • That cover is pretty cool. I didn’t notice the fangs until you mentioned them hehe. I’m off to look up the summary now :)

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