In My Mailbox #11

It’s that time of week again! In My Mailbox is a weekly meme bought to you by the lovely Kristi at The Story Siren.

Bit of a spending spree this week… something to do with retail therapy making you feel better, and I indulged!

Heist Society - Ally Carter

A read that I am hearing more and more about and sounds like an absolutely fun book to read! I am really looking forward to this one, and at $10.50 it was a bargain from Big W!
Uncommon Criminals - Ally Carter

The sequel to Heist Society, the covers on these two books are absolutely gorgeous!! Hopefully I should have reviews of both of these shortly!
The Dead Of The Night (Tomorrow When The War Began #2) - John Marsden

I loved the first book in this series (you can find it in the reviews section). An Australian series, this is such a popular series in this country! Hoping to review this at some point also.
Feed - Mira Grant

I LOVE the idea behind this book! I have always loved zombies and this book has been pretty high on my to read book, and low and behold I accidentally bumped into it!

Married With Zombies - Jesse Petersen

I’m on a roll with the zombie stuff! Not sure if this book is YA, but it seems like it probably is, and it looks awesome! A married couple having issues seeks counselling and then is faced with zombies!

Imaginary Girls - Nova Ren Suma

I’ve seen this just about everywhere lately and its being recommended as a must read, so I am on to this one!

Pretty Little Liars - Sara Shepard

I actually do not know much about this series, but the cover has caught my eye on a couple of occasions now and on finding out it was a part of a series, and a TV show I thought I would give this one a try!

The Host - Stephenie Meyer

Hrm, I am not sure if I am going to love this one or not yet. I did try and read the first chapter about a year ago and it was a no go for me, however I thought after having the last year filled with dystopian/sci-fi type books, I am ready to give this book a second chance. I think I just need to get Twilight out of my mind and do not compare.

What’s in your mailbox? Post your links in the comments below!

What do you think?

  • Hannah says:

    Book based retail therapy ALWAYS helps. I usually sit down in wherever afterwards and admire my second hand finds. I’m sad, I know, but I adore second hand book shopping.

    I have the same hang ups on The Host, but I found it in my charity shop so I had to grab it then just out of morbid curiosity. It was 25p.

    Great finds! I’m very jealous of Feed and Married With Zombies :)

  • Caitlin says:

    I LOVE the PLL tv show! I should give the books a go too, see how they are. I’m not really a fan of Stephenie Meyer so I haven’t read The Host but I’m interested to see what you think of it.

    The Cait Files

  • aleeza rauf says:

    heyyy! just came across your blog-love it! aussie reviewers and authors are generally pretty awesome, haha. at least in my experience :D

    anyway, great mailbox! embassingly enough, i haven’t read any books besides for the host-it’s, um, reallyyyy long, but pretty good overall.

    i love the prettly little liars tv show too! although i’ve only been able to see two episodes, but still.

    and i don’t really know anything about aussie currency, but 10.50 sounds pretty expensive me too! i’m half-american, see. lol.

    happy reading!

    here’s what i got in my mailbox!”

    • Melissa says:

      I love your blog, I am following you now!! :)

      The Host looks like a massive chunker of a book! But I will give it a chance! :D

      Aussie currency is worth a tiny bit more than the US dollar right now, but everything here costs more… new books retail for $20 - $30 so $10 is a good deal for us! lol

  • kristin says:

    You have a nice list of books in your mailbox this week. I have seen Ally Carter’s books popping up all over the place lately.
    Happy Reading,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

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