In My Mailbox #12

How is everyone doing today? I am good, just having a nice chilled weekend, with lots of reading happening at the moment! Lots of new books this week to show and tell, so let’s get into it!

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme bought to you by the lovely Kristi at The Story Siren.

Most of the books I have this weeks are ones I bought. I did receive 1 book for review, and I also went to the library and got an audio book to try out!

FOR REVIEW - Glow - Amy Katherine Ryan
I am seeing this book everywhere at the moment and it truly looks fantastic. Thank you to the lovely people at Pan Macmillan for sending me a copy to review. This is going to the top of my TBR list. The cover is STUNNING!
Saving June - Hannah Harrington
The cover on this book is so unique and beautiful. I’ve seen so many reviews for this book with people saying it’s a must read. I don’t read a lot of contemporary fiction, but the ones I have read I have enjoyed so I am always up for something new. Really looking forward to this book.
Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins

Another book I am seeing everywhere right now getting 5/5 ratings just about everywhere I go! I am really looking forward to seeing what this book has to offer, but it sounds like a really fun read!

Peeps - Scott Westerfeld
After loving Uglies as much as I did, I saw one of the older series he wrote about vampires. I am always up for a good vampire book, so I thought I would pick up another one of his titles to try out!
The School For Dangeous Girls - Eliot Schrefer

I haven’t seen this book before, and I know it’s not exactly a new release, but it caught my eye at the book store and I thought why not? lol It was on sale!

Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead

The one that started the series. I realise so many of you have already read this, but better late than never right? Right! So I am going to start this shortly.

Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter #1) - Laurell K. Hamilton (Audio Book)

Now I am the first to say this book series is probably not really YA. The first one is tame, but as the book series progresses, I am told by a few people that the book series becomes very erm… sexual. So not for young adults, but maybe 17 and up?

What’s in your mailbox? Let me know - leave your links in the comments section as always!

What do you think?

  • Shirley says:

    Anna and the French Kiss is REALLY good :)
    Saving June sounds really interesting…I’ll add it to my TBR pile!
    Anyways, happy reading!


  • Lisa says:

    Oh, you got Glow! I’m really curious to see what us Aussies think about this! I’ve heard lots of comparisons between this and Across The Universe, with ATU unfortunately coming out on top! I actually prefer the US cover but…oh well. ;)

    Saving June looks brilliant - looks like something I’ll have to grab from our lovely Harlequin publicist! ;)

    Can’t wait for you to read Anna and Vampire Academy. Loved them so much! Better late than never, indeed!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m now a follower of yours :) Happy blogging!

    • Melissa says:

      I too have heard the comparisons between Across the Universe also! I own both books so I am thinking I might try and read both back to back to see what I think?

      Yes, get a copy if you can, it is meant to be an amazing book! As I mentioned, I don’t do a lot of contemp books, but Saving June is meant to be an exception for anyone.

      I’ll drop by your blog more often for sure! Thanks for stopping by Lisa!

  • Siobhan says:

    Anna and the French Kiss is amazing! I hope you like it. And I see you have Glow, yes I am green with envy.

    Love Fantasy’s Mailbox

  • Meggerfly says:

    VA is an awesome book and a great series. Glow looks really good too. As far as the Anita Blake series I’ve only read through the 6th one but I too have heard that as the series progresses the heat in the books is turned up.

    Here’s my IMM

  • Holly says:

    New follower.

    Nice pick. The Saving June cover looks so pretty. I’ve not heard about the book before but it’s surely going on my TBR pile.

    Don’t be a stranger,
    Holly @ In-Interest

  • Great set! Yay for Anna. It really is the best. And I love Vampire Academy.
    My IMM

  • Mia says:

    An awesome week! Great stuff… I LOVED Anna!! :)

    Check out what’s In My Mailbox

    Mia @ Gripped into Books

  • Laura says:

    Great selection of books! I haven’t read any of these but I’ll be sure to check them out.

    Here’s my IMM:

  • So awesome! I really want to read Peeps and Anna and the French Kiss. I hope you enjoy!

  • Looks like you got some ahmazing books this week! :D My IMM is here!

    Happy Reading!
    ~Zakiya LadyWings :D

  • Kristin says:

    Nice mailbox! I loved Vampire Academy. I hope you like the series.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  • The Anita Blake series doesn’t get explicit for a few books. By book 12, though, it’s full on erotica. I read them as a teen and wasn’t scarred for life.

    Great mailbox this week, new follower! And thanks for stopping by Book Brats!

  • Jo says:

    Haha, I thought I was the only person in the world who hadn’t read Anna and the French Kiss and the Vampire Academy series!

    Great mailbox this week!

    Happy reading :)

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