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Friday Hop!

Posted by on August 12, 2011

Q. How has your reading habits changed since you were a teen? or If you are still a teen what new genres are you in love with currently?

I am a little backwards you see…. when I was a young adult, I was really into true crime books, and adult fiction. And now, as an adult I am really into YA fiction! I didn’t discover YA fiction until I was probably 25 and so from there I’ve been hooked.

Prior to that my favourite authors were Lynda La Plante, Patricia Cornwell (from like year 7 onwards), Stephen King and Jeffrey Deaver.

And then I found Twilight… like the rest of the universe. lol And from that time onwards, I am hooked on this genre we call YA!

Book Blogger Hop
“Let’s talk crazy book titles! Highlight one or two (or as many as you like!) titles in your personal collection that have the most interesting titles! If you can’t find any, feel free to find one on the internet!”

Married With Zombies is probably the first one that comes to mind! I love it, it instantly made me want to buy the book!


10 Responses to Friday Hop!

  1. Lucy (The Secret Life of Books)


    I have seen a lot of people saying that they didn’t read YA until they were adults.


    Happy Hopping


  2. Lucy (The Secret Life of Books)


    I have seen a lot of people saying that they didn’t read YA until they were adults.


    Happy Hopping

    Lucy (New Follower)

  3. Bailey

    I love the YA genre as well. That is too funny how you worked yourself backwards in the book genres. YA is truly addicting so I can see why you are into it now. =D

    New follower!! =)

  4. Rumana @ Relook the Book

    That is a strange but interesting book title! Feel free to check out my BBH here.

    Rumana @ Relook the Book

  5. Rumana @ Relook the Book

    Nice title name! Feel free to check out my BBH here. New follower as well!

    Rumana @ Relook the Book

  6. Rumana

    Nice title name! Feel free to check out my BBH! New follower as well!


  7. Taylor

    Hi new follower hopping through :)

    I know a lot of people who actually didn’t start reading YA until they were adults, but everyone starts out differently :)

    Here’s my Follow Friday post:

    Taylor :)

  8. Sherre

    I worked backwards as well. Twilight brought me to YA as well. Just stopping by from FF. (love the chair…I want one) Check out mine:

  9. AlisonCanRead

    Hopping through. Love the Couple Who Slays Together. And I love the book chair.
    My Hop

  10. Holjo

    Hi there,
    Love that chair picture!
    Stopping by via Parajunkee’s Follow Friday. I’m following you.

    Have a great weekend!

    Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

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